วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Total Mind Body Fitness

Six years ago my daughter then 28 was taking regularly a very powerful pain killer for back pain. Her doctors had to monitor her usage because it could become addictive.

One day I volunteered to go on a trip with a friend of mind to watch a demo of a simple machine that promised much with minimum output on the part of the user. When I tried this machine called a Chi Machine I had an amazing experience.

After just five minutes of use I felt the energy flowing through my body. Since I was a Reiki practioner I recognized this Chi or Bio-Electric energy easily. In addition I felt alert, energized, and focused. Other people at the demo spoke of the benefits they had got from using the machine regularly. This included one person who had suffered for years with back pain.

Enthused I went to my daughter and suggested that she invest in a Chi Machine. My excitement fell on stony ground. She suggested that maybe I was 'conned' by a slick MLM operator. She said that new immigrants were constantly being pushed to get into business with gimmicky products. She could not see how something so simple that moved your legs in a swing cycle could have such profound effects.

To cut a long story short... I went ahead and ordered a machine. When she saw I was going ahead my daughter offered to pay half of the purchase price to ease me of any financial let down if things went wrong.

Six years later we both own Chi Machines. For 2 years we had a network of over 100 users in 10 countries. My daughter quit using pain killers for her back pain because it disappered after three weeks of using the Chi Machine. I lost 15 lbs and four inches off my waist in one month. I have maintained this over the last six years. My daughter has maintained the same weight and dress size without dieting over the six year period. I have been physically fit and without major illneses despite my age.

We both use our machines daily. Our sleep has become deep and profound. We are mentally alert after use in the morni! ng and r elaxed in the evening. As we explored the world of energy healing we realized that our right and left brain co-ordination was way above avewrage. In short it is easier for both of us to access our intuition and creative abilities.

So I heartily recommend a twice daily 20 minute session with the Chi Machine. All you do is: drink a glass of water before and after the session, lie on a mat, put your ankles in a comfortable position, and let the machine swing you back and forth in a precise manner. After the session lie quietly for two to three mintues and let the energies flow freely through your body.

For twenty minutes your body gets a spinal massage, your mind is allowed to float freely between the left and right poles of your brain, your lymph and blod systems are allowed to clear themselves of toxins, each organ of your body recives the most efficient flow of energy, and you feel connected to the universal source.

That's it. Total cleansing of body, mind, and spirit twice a day. Six years later my machine has paid itself over many times in physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

So for those of you who find it difficult to keep a proper Yoga, Pilates, or Tai Chi routine perhaps this might be for you. Be warned though that you have to create a habit. I estimate that one month of use can get you into the habit.

Milton Drepaul: Resume Consultant, Writer, Online Entrepreneur, Numerologist, Reiki & EFT Practioner.

Creative Ideas: Smart Business Choices http://www.2000sbc.com

The Resume Expert: http://theresumexpert.com
