Are you having trouble staying committed to your plans to achieve better health and fitness?
Developing a strategy to enhance your Mental Toughness will provide you with the working tools to clear these hurdles, and can be applied to any challenging endeavor you may undertake in life.
Tips to set up a successful strategy of your own can include:
Time: Making any project succeed requires a serious commitment of time. Set aside the time necessary and make it an important priority on your schedule. Without this commitment you are setting yourself up for failure before you even begin.
Goals: Make a detailed plan consisting of realistic goals, both short and long term. These goals are crucial and need to be re-visited on a regular basis. Reward yourself for your accomplishments, set your next goal and move forward.
Think Ahead: Prepare yourself for unexpected setbacks - unfortunately even the best made plans can encounter minor problems. If you have already mentally prepared, you will be ready to adjust your course if necessary, should problems arise.
Homework: Do plenty of research about the challenge ahead of you. Listen to what the experts have to say and seek out individuals who have already achieved similar goals to yours for advice.
Attitude: Positive self thoughts are critical to your success. Surround yourself with a group of positive people for support and encouragement. Spoil yourself a little and celebrate your successes.
Focus: Stay focused on your desired results and stay with your plan. Remain patient but persistent and enjoy the scenery along the way.
Stay strong?you will succeed.
? Copyright 2006 by Bob Cater
Bob Cater, PTS, CAPT, is a Certified Personal Trainer Specialist and a Certified Advanced Personal Trainer. With a passion for endurance sports, Bob is also Certified as an Endurance Sports Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Coach.