วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Miracle's of Massage Therapy

The miracles I experienced in massage are astronomical. The first injury that I experienced was when I was eighteen years old and fell down a flight of wooden steps.


I crushed my tail bone and all I received from my medical doctor was pain pills. I even tried Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments but I was still in sever pain until age forty five.

Massage Changed My Life:

I started on a regiment of massage therapy which lasted three months. My therapist worked on many levels of healing listed below:

(1) Emotional

(2) Physical

(3) Physilogical

(4) Mental

(5) Psycic

(6) Spirtual

These are the six levels of Spirtual Healing. These levels are addressed and listed below:

(1) Prayer

(2) Reiki - Which is the same as laying on the hands.

(3) Energetic Healing

(4) Many more modalities


When I was forty six years old, I felt emotionally and physically healed for the first time in my life. I decided I would become a massage therapist and give back to society wht I had received. I attended College and became a Massage Therapist and my life changed for the better.


I was diagnosed when I was twenty years old with Lupus. A debilating and painful immune defiency disease. It consumed my every breath. Using massage and many natural, holostic methods I cured myself of this disease. Education is essential when we try to disengage our bodies from terrible diseases. The more we know the better off we are.

There is much information on various levels that does not help you but completely confuses you. You must work through all this information and find what works for you.

Now I am helping other people achieve what I achieved living without emotional and physical pain. I also decided to continue my education in Energetic Healing. Everything in this world is energy. I learned to balance my energy level's and I am a happier person for this.

If I would not have taken that! first s tep years ago when my tail bone was crushed, I would not be able to function and work in todays world.

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Copyright 2005 Maria Roman

Maria was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She has a very strong spirtual knowledge of self. She has lived in California for 36 years. Her family is spread from here to Mississippi. Maria graduated from National University with a BA in Behavioral Science. She is a licensed Massage Therapist. You can visit her website at http://www.mariasmassagesandiego.com or her e mail address is mariasmassage777@hotmail.com. Or call her at 619-781-7577. Marias message to all of her clients and future clients is, come to me because you want a massage to relieve your pain and then continue with your massage's because it brings a new found knowledge of who you are and your true self. Call and make an appointment and your first step to healing will begin.
