วันเสาร์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Vitamin B1

Did you know that vitamin B-1 has two other widely used names? Thiamine is a name used in the US and Aneurin is the popular name in Europe. Thiamin (without the e) is also used to refer to B-1.

Vitamin B-1 is important to your body's health. You probably have heard of beriberi before. It can have pretty severe effects on your nervous system, heart, brain, cellular health and energy levels to name a few problem areas affected by a deficiency of B-1.

Interestingly enough, a person with beriberi that has reached the point of barely being able to move, will often respond to a B-1 injection in just a few hours to the point that they will be able to get up and walk again. Beriberi is truly a deficiency disease.

Thiamine is important to the energy production system of every cell in your body. ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate is the energy currency that powers your body. There are a few pathways that your cell uses to make ATP, the major one being Kreb's cycle. Without sufficient quantities of B-1, your body is restricted in being able to produce the all necessary ATP.

Fortunately, especially in North America, you can get Thiamine from your diet. You can get B-1 from many foods. A few are pork, peanuts,whole grains and beans (legumes). There are other foods, this is just a short list for you convenience.

White rice has the hull stripped from it which causes the rice to become devoid of B-1. This leads to high incidence of beriberi in some Asian countries as rice is relied upon heavily upon as a staple food.

Some seafood may actually inhibit the absorption of B-1 in the digestive tract. Heat and radiation will destroy thiamine and alcohol will interfere with it's uptake from the digestive track.

Vitamin B-1 is a water soluble vitamin which means that an extra supply is not stored in your body tissues. A fat soluble vitamin, which B-1 is not, would be stored in body tissues. Vitamin B-1 must be continually obtained from your diet.

Some symptoms in the early stages of! thiamin e deficiency include irritability, fatigue, apathy, abdominal pain, drowsiness and poor concentration. Later stages of thiamine deficiency are much more severe and can manifest in a number of ways. A few manifestations are tachycardia (fast heart beat), vomiting, heart failure, weakness,itching, blue skin color, numbness and memory loss.

Alcoholics, dialysis patients, HIV patients, Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients often suffer from thiamine deficiency. If you would like a more exhausting list of symptoms, risk groups and other information associated with B-1 deficiency, try emedicine.com.

Vitamin B-1 is available at your local health food store and drug stores without a prescription. A B-1 deficiency usually is accompanied by a deficiency of other B vitamins. Therefore, B-1 is usually taken within a B-complex and not usually taken alone.

Supplementation for pregnant mothers should be done under the advisement of a physician. This article is for information purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe a solution to any health condition. If you have or think you have a health condition, consult your physician immediately.

David Snape writes for All Things Pondered: http://allthingspondered.com - where you can have your say and (almost) anything is pondered. He also writes for To Be Informed: http://tobeinformed.com - a site supportive of health, fitness and wellness.

วันศุกร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Facial Laser Hair Removal

Today facial laser hair removal is one of the most popular and best ways of getting rid of unwanted hair. I can tell you for sure that it is a safe and time saving process.

Laser hair removal has all the advantages over other methods like waxing, shaving, plucking and electrolysis. Although it may initially seem to cost more than these traditional techniques, it will ultimately be economical for you in the long run. In facial laser hair removal a low energy laser beam is directed towards a group of hair follicles. It destroys the root without affecting the surrounding skin. This is perhaps the most interesting aspect about it. It is a relatively pain free procedure. If you are uncomfortable, experts performing the treatment can give a topical anaesthetic to give you a feeling of numbness. But there is no need to worry at all. I can assure you of the fact that most people can tolerate the process quite well and do not need any anaesthetics. Also side effects are rarely seen.

There are a number of centers offering the best of services in facial laser hair removal. Just check out all of them before you zero in on your choice. Personal attention by the specialists together with advanced technology will help you get the desired result. Talk to your friends who have removed their unwanted facial hair by this technique. They will be the best to guide you. You can also surf the internet to gather relevant information.

The cost of facial laser hair removal varies from person to person. Actually it depends on the size of the area treated and the complexity of each case. You may have to pay multiple visits before you get your desired result. But I can tell you for sure that you will be absolutely satisfied with the service offered by the trained and certified professionals in each of these centers.

So all you men out there who are tired of shaving just undergo facial laser hair removal. You will no longer be embarrassed in a crowd instead you will feel all the more confident!

Laser ! Hair Rem oval

Discover laser hair removal information Articles and resources for prices, cost, and treatments of laser hair removal in cities like New York, Washington DC, Toronto, and Dallas. Visit this site for the best in laser hair removal! http://www.informationonlaserhairremoval.com/

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Why Is Water So Important For Your Health?

I often have conversations with people who say that I must think that water is the cure for everything! It?s not really, but it is often the root of the problem to many disorders and health weaknesses many people do experience. As I have these conversations, what always comes to mind is the story of Moses in the Bible while in the desert. The Israelites were getting bitten by poisonous serpents, so he told them that all they had to do was to look to the top of the pole and they would be healed. But because it seemed too simple and not possible to them, many of the people would not do it and perished.

Many of us are like them. We seem to think that we need some awesome drug or well known cure to get rid of our problems when often it many be one of the simplest, least expensive routes for our solutions.

I have read much information about water from many resources, but some of the best information comes from a book called, Your Body?s Many CRIES for Water by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. Below the title of this book it says, ?You are not sick, you are Thirsty! Don?t treat thirst with medications?

Here are a few of the statements from this book that I would like to mention:

?Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water?. Water, the solvent of the body, regulates all functions, including the activity of the solutes it dissolves and circulates.

?The primary cause of Alzheimer?s disease is chronic dehydration of the body.

?Migraine headaches seem to be brought about by dehydration?dehydration plays a major role in the precipitation of migraine headaches.

?With dehydration, the level of energy generation in the brain is decreased. Many functions of the brain that depend on this type of energy become inefficient. We recognize this inadequacy of function and call it depression. This ?depressive state? caused by dehydration can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome.

?When the body becomes dehydrated, the physiological processes t! hat will establish are the same ones that occur when coping with stress. Dehydration equals stress? dehydration causes stress, and stress will further dehydration.

?High blood pressure (essential hypertension) is the result of an adaptive process to a gross body water deficiency.

?Cholesterol production in the cell membrane is a part of the cell survival system. It is a necessary substance. Its excess denotes dehydration.

?So many innocent children suffer unnecessarily to the point of a few thousand of them dying of asthma. What these children need to realize is the fact that, for them, breathing has become difficult because they are so thirsty.?

Now these are only a few brief statements and not the full information that this book gives, however, it may give you a little insights on the need for more clean water for our bodies. Here?s more information from another source:

?By not drinking enough water, many people incur excess body fat, poor muscle tone and size, decreased digestive efficiency and organ function, increased toxicity in the body, joint and muscle soreness, and water retention.? Water retention? Yes, your body may be retaining water to compensate for the lack of water your body receives.

Recently, I had an associate tell me her story. She has suffered from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) for some time. She said her stomach was always bloated and fizzing. Her doctor told her to start drinking a glass of water every hour, so she did. She was so excited to tell me that her bloatedness and fizziness had disappeared and she was feeling so much better without any IBS symptoms.

It?s all just water, pure clean water ? the perfect cleanser God placed here on earth in abundance for us to use, and many of us fail to drink enough of it. Remember this: foods are our builders, and water ? good pure water ? is our cleanser. And if it?s not water, IT?S NOT WATER! Milk, sodas, juice, or any other drinks are NOT WATER! It is actually easier for our kidneys to ! filtrate 50 gallons of impure tap water, than ONE can of soda! Most juices are too acidic for the body because they are cooked, and most dairy milk is not fit for human consumption. Most drinks on the market are actually toxic and pollute the body. What we really need is WATER!

Here are some good recommendations for daily water intake. Adults need a minimum of 2 or 4 quarts of water per day, but to figure out how much you need more precisely, take your body weight and divide it in half, which is the number of ounces your body needs daily minimally. Example: if you weigh 150 lbs. you need 75 oz. water, which is more than 2 qts. + 1 cup water daily. A good rule of thumb too is to drink a glass of water on the hour. Your kidneys may need to eliminate much more often than you think you have time for at first, but they will soon adjust. If you are trying to loose weight, if you on a regular fitness program, if you are nursing, or if you are sick, you need to increase your water intake 1-2 quarts more than the normal recommendation.

Remember, drinking water is one of the simplest things you can do for your health and fitness. Just understand your body does need lots of water, then drink plenty of it and you will see great results and benefits!

Erleen Tilton: Author, Health Educator, Consultant

Start today energizing and revitilizing your system with a free 15 minute phone consultation! Nature's Healthy Choices

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วันพุธที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Microdermabrasion Acne Miracle Cure?

Microdermabrasion acne treatment is a technique of smoothing the skin and unclogging skin pores. The treatment is relatively new, but its results are more than promising.

There is even more good news for acne sufferers! Microdermabrasion is much less invasive than classical acne surgery and it offers similar results.

How does it work?

It uses a mechanical device. The Microdermabrasion acne machine is used first to clean the skin and peel out the dead cells' layer. In doing that it clears out the blocked pores. The machine works on the same principle as a vacuum cleaner. The Microdermabrasion treatment is similar to rather gently vacuuming your skin as opposed to the cutting action of invasive surgery. The second phase of the process is spraying the skin with an aluminum oxide. This spray eliminates the outer layer of dead skin cells.

The Microdermabrasion treatment works in two ways:

1.It heals already existing acne by cleaning the pores;

2.Then by eliminating the dead skin cells' layer, it prevents pimples from appearing. Pimples are most often caused by dead skin cells that clog the skin's pores. When you eliminate the dead skin cells the chance of having pimples is greatly decreased.

Wait, there's even more. Microdermabrasion does not only cure acne. A very pleasing side effect of repeating this treatment is increased smoothness of skin by removing minor skin irregularities.

How many treatments are necessary?

Usually even one Microdermabrasion treatment can give results lasting several months. However, because Microdermabrasion concentrates mostly on the effects, not the cause of acne, it is not capable of a final cure of the disease.

You can expect that you will need to repeat the treatment after six to seven months. Used with other treatments, even one skin vacuuming can have almost permanent results.

Are there any precautions?

As Microdermabrasion is not a surgery and there's no anesthesia required, there are few side ! effects. The one warning is that the patient should not be using Ro-accutane.

Unfortunately this very effective treatment is usually not covered by health insurance. The cost of Microdermabrasion becomes an important factor when deciding on treatment.

Mark Walters reviews acne treatments and remedies online at http://www.AcneRescue.com

วันอังคารที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Using The Glycemic Index To Lose Weight After Pregnancy

The vast majority of postpartum women will not return to their pre-pregnancy weight without the help of proper nutrition. This article will explain why extreme diets don?t work and why the Glycemic Index may be the best long-term solution for postpartum weight loss.

Don?t Go To Extremes

There are thousands of ?diets? on the market, yet the question still remains: how can we achieve weight loss in the healthiest, most permanent way? Restricting calories too much can shut down metabolism and cause us to gain weight in the long run. Eating ?Fat free? can make us hungry all the time and deprives the postpartum body of key nutrients. ?High protein/no carbohydrate? diets are unhealthy and can put our bodies at possible risk of liver and kidney damage.

We know going to nutritional extremes doesn?t work. Alas, we come back to the age-old method of balance. How we balance carbohydrates, fats, and proteins can make all the difference.

Research shows that unsaturated fats are better than saturated. And proteins such as chicken, fish, and even beans far outweigh red meat as a healthy choice. What about carbohydrates? Which carbohydrates work best for weight loss and energy? Choosing the correct carbohydrates in balance with healthy proteins and fats will help you achieve the healthiest form of weight loss for the postpartum period and beyond.

The Hormonal Response To Food

When we eat, our bodies digest and convert foods into usable forms of energy. The main unit of energy for the body is a sugar called glucose. When people talk about blood sugar levels they are referring to how much glucose is in the bloodstream at a given time.

A stable blood sugar level is important for health and our bodies stimulate hormones to regulate it. If we have too much sugar in our blood, a hormone called insulin is released. Insulin will bring our blood sugar back to an acceptable level, however it also encourages our bodies to convert the excess sugar to fat.

According to Joyce and Gen! e Daoust , authors of 40-30-30- Fat Burning Nutrition, ?It is important that an individual?s blood sugar level does not rise too high or too quickly because, if it does, the body reacts by alerting the pancreas. The pancreas then detects the excess glucose and secretes the hormone messenger, insulin, to correct it. Increased levels of insulin force your body to burn glucose for energy and store any excess away as glycogen or fat.?

Essentially, insulin promotes the storage of fat in our bodies. To burn fat instead of store it, we should limit the amount of insulin in our blood. The way to do this is by keeping our blood sugar levels from getting too high, too fast. How do we control our blood sugar? Fortunately, there is a tool that will make our job easier.

The Glycemic Index (GI)

The Glycemic Index is a numerical rating scale that measures how fast a particular food can raise blood sugar (glucose) levels in our bodies. At the top of the scale is pure glucose with a rating of 100. All other foods are ranked in a hierarchy along the scale. Foods that break down (convert into glucose) slowly have a low Glycemic rating. Foods that breakdown quickly have a high rating. The Glycemic Index (GI) values of different foods are extremely important, because the speed at which foods are converted into glucose not only affects our insulin levels, but our appetite, cholesterol and blood fats as well.

To Lose Weight, Eat Foods With A Low GI Value

It?s that simple. Choose low Glycemic foods and your body is less likely to convert them into fat. For example, you?ll notice that eating a cup of All Bran cereal (GI = 51) will sustain you longer than a cup of corn flakes (GI = 84). As you can see, Corn Flakes elevate your blood sugar faster than All Bran.

An apple (GI = 38) will keep you full longer than a piece of watermelon (GI = 72). Because the apple converts to sugar in the blood slowly, your insulin levels will be much lower than if you ate the watermelon. You will also get more sustainable e! nergy ov er a longer period of time from the apple.

The Glycemic Index and Appetite

Controlling food portions and appetite becomes easier when you understand how the GI of certain foods affects your body.

Typically, high GI foods stimulate appetite by making blood sugar rise and fall quickly, thus creating a feeling of constant hunger. For example, a slice of white bread has a high GI, because it?s starches release and digest quickly. When blood sugar rises and falls rapidly, the body is stimulated to eat again. Candy, potatoes, honey, and other refined (processed) grains will have the same affect.

To reduce appetite, eat low GI foods such as beans, vegetables, fruits, and certain whole-grains. They release at a slow, steady pace, keeping you full, energetic and away from the refrigerator! Although most carbohydrates are naturally low in fat, those carbohydrate foods with a low GI index also have more fiber. Low GI foods release energy in the body at a much slower rate, helping you avoid ?peaks and valleys? and maintain a steady energy level.

More ways To Reduce GI

Other factors, such as the way foods are prepared can affect the GI. Coarsely ground flour in bread tends to release at a slower rate than extra fine flour. Old-fashioned oatmeal made with fiber-rich rolled oats and natural sugar has a lower GI than the instant version. Even cooking spaghetti less can decrease its Glycemic Index, making the carbohydrate molecules release at a slower rate. In general, the more a food is cooked, the faster it releases sugars and the higher GI it will have.

The same goes for raw fruits and vegetables. The crunchier, the better! It takes the body longer to release and digest raw vegetables, thus converting to sugar slowly and keeping us full longer.

Combining high GI foods with low GI foods will also reduce the speed at which sugar is released in your blood. For instance, if you ate a rice cake (GI = 99) you would have an insulin spike because the rice cake is converted into ! sugar ve ry fast. However, if you had a tablespoon of peanut butter (GI = 15) with your rice cake, the total GI of the meal is only 57. Yes, the peanut butter adds more calories to the meal, but because you have less insulin in the blood those calories are more likely to be burned instead of being stored as fat.

It?s important to note that portion size is a big factor. This article assumes you are not overeating. When you take in way too many calories than you need, your body will certainly store fat. However, if they are low Glycemic calories you would store less fat than if they were high GI calories.


Putting It All Together

Here?s a formula for new moms who desire weight loss and high energy. Try to balance all your meals with:

40% of calories coming from low GI carbohydrates

30% from lean protein

30% unsaturated fat

The above ratio has been shown to keep your blood sugar at an optimum level for burning fat instead of storing it. Since protein and fat have naturally low GI?s your carbohydrate choice will be the biggest factor in the total GI of your meals.


A Sample Day Of Balanced Meals with a GI below 50

Breakfast: Low fat cottage cheese, peaches and raw almonds

Lunch: (water packed) Tuna salad sandwich (Mayo, celery, sweet pickle relish and lettuce), grapes

Snack: String cheese and an apple

Dinner: Grilled salmon, vegetables (Onion, green pepper, zucchini) and salad with low fat dressing, an orange


The great thing about the Glycemic Index is it?s easy to learn. It?s the perfect tool for busy new moms. Instead of wondering what to eat, you?ll start making smart food choices around low GI foods. Once you combine the power of the Glycemic Index with regular exercise you?ll watch! those p ostpartum pounds melt away in no time. You can learn more at www.strollerfit.com

View a Glycemic Index of various foods here:


Curt Conrad, CSCS, is Founder and President of DIAMOND CUT, Inc. and StrollerFit Inc. His companies have helped thousands of clients enjoy better life through better fitness. For more great information visit http://www.strollerfit.com and http://www.mommymuscle.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Seeking Noninvasive Treatment for High Blood Pressure?

Suffering from high blood pressure and looking for an alternative way to reduce your blood pressure without drugs and invasive treatment? A new medical mechanism is seemingly revolutionizing breathing techniques and has been clinically proven to lower blood pressure.

According to a clinical overview by Doctors William Elliott, Joseph Izzo, and Henry Black, a new blood-pressure reducing device called RESPeRATE(R) (by InterCure, Inc.), comprised of a ...control box (about the size of a paperback book) containing a microprocessor, a belt-type respiration sensor (which functions as a respiration sensor), and headphones (to provide feedback to the patient);1 shows promise for noninvasive treatment for reducing blood pressure significantly.

How does it work? This small mechanism provides sessions of device-guided breathing to its patients. Analyzing breath rate and pattern, the microprocessor creates uniquely individualized melodies in the form of two specific tones. One tone is created for inhalation, the other for exhalation. The purpose of the instrument is to gradually have the patient synchronize his breathing rate to about ten (10) breaths per minute. Memory is stored in the microprocessor to show how often and how long the device has been utilized; and whether regimen was completely followed by patient.

In several, different studies, the device was used at intervals of fifteen (15) minutes per day for eight (8) weeks. Blood pressure control was significantly displayed in the groups using this innovative device. Findings showed that after 3-5 weeks of device-guided breathing, sustained reduction of blood pressure was achieved.

Per the overview, RESPeRATE(TM) can be used for the reduction of stress and as a complementary therapy for hypertension; and can be used in combination with conventional and alternative/natural interventions.

In closing, proper use of this device leads to guided, slower breathing which subsequently reduces blood pressure. Having no adverse effects, ! this new product may become key to naturally altering breathing patterns and help prolong heart health and overall wellbeing.

(To read the complete overview, visit: www.resperate.com/discover/clinicalevidence.aspx)


  • Resperate.com
  • HeartcenterOnline.com
  • DISCLAIMER: Information provided by HolisticJunction.com is intended for educational purposes only and should not substitute advice provided by a licensed health professional.

    Seeking Noninvasive Treatment for High Blood Pressure Copyright 2005 - All Rights Reserved Report by C. Bailey-Lloyd

    About the Author: C. Bailey-Lloyd - Author of Somewhere Along the Beaten Path

    Feel free to visit Media Positive Radio -- Providing a positive and uplifting listening experience - All the Time! Featuring the finest music from Independent and Mainstream musicians all focusing on the power and greatness of every individual as well as the collective power of unity and brotherhood.

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    วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Hypnotherapy: Using the Power of The Mind to Heal

    New scientific studies are demonstrating that the chemical byproduct of thinking is found in every cell of the body and that the thoughts you think have a powerful effect on your immune system. This is good news for those who already use the power of the mind and positive thinking to help you heal your body. Now they have a scientific base for their work as well as empirical evidence.

    Biofeedback, for example, is a treatment technique in which people are trained to improve their health by using signals from their own bodies. It is used by physical therapists to help stroke victims regain movement in paralyzed muscles and by psychologists to help tense and anxious clients learn to relax. No one questions its use anymore, because people have demonstrated clearly that by using biofeedback, they can lower their heart rate, lower their blood pressure, stop headaches and other pain and much more. They are using their mind and emotions to control physical symptoms.(This actually is a good definition of hypnosis).

    Some researchers say that we are walking pharmacies, able to manufacture those chemicals our bodies need to prevent illness and/or restore us to wholeness. The scientists have further discovered that the chemicals produced by thinking are found in every cell in the human body, not just in brain cells. So if we can produce our own healing chemicals with the mind at a cellular level, what is the logical conclusion? Can we, using our thoughts, manufacture the chemicals that prevent illness or bring about a cure and distribute them to the cells?

    From these and other findings and questions, a new focus of study has emerged, that of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). PNI is the study of the interactions between the mind, the nervous system and the immune system, and the relationship between behavior and health. In other words, science is discovering what the mystics have known all along. ? that thoughts create our reality. This is spoken of throughout sacred writings: ?As a man thinketh, so i! s he.?

    Ponder it. Is there anything in existence that did not start as a thought before it became a reality? Depak Chopra says that if you want to know what you?ll be like in ten years, examine your thoughts today. You are creating your own reality, including the reality of health or illness by your thinking.

    You can begin today to train your mind to think positive thoughts that result in an enhanced state of well being, which in turn improves the functioning of your immune system. Begin to think about those things for which you are grateful or that bring you joy instead of how angry you are at Aunt Mabel or worrying that you will catch the bird flu (or any of the dozens of ailments the news media warns you about). As you begin to be in control of your own thoughts and change them from negative to positive, you will begin to notice any number of lovely changes -- emotionally, physically, and mentally. And the good news is that thought is one thing that does not have to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

    If you need medical care, by all means see your primary care physician. In the meantime, begin to change your thinking from negative to positive. If you need help changing your thinking, see a specialist in positive thought therapy ? a hypnotherapist.

    Irene Conlan has a masters degree in nursing, a doctoral degree in metaphysics, is a certified hypnotherapist and an ordained minister. She practices holistic hypnotherapy and officiates at weddings in Scottsdale, Az and the Phoenix metropolitan area. She can be found at: http://www.thepowerzone.com (Hypnotherapy Downloads) http://www.yourscottsdalewedding.com (Scottsdale Weddings) http://your-scottsdale-wedding.com (Wedding Blog)

    วันเสาร์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Ultimate Guide To Avoiding Hair Loss

    Hair loss (Androgenetic alopecia) refers to the reason of hair loss that is influenced by the androgen hormone, the genetic tendency for balding and aging. Because hair loss is caused by these hormones, treatment is available to immediately and dramatically prevent the loss of hair.

    Androgenic Hormones

    In general, normal men including women make male hormones. Testosterone, underestimation, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), are the most common that they produce. Androgens are manufactured by the men?s adrenals and testicles, and in women, by their adrenal glands and ovaries. In both sexes, these hormones are important but take place in different concentrations and amounts.

    When hair follicles are exposed to DHT, a genetically prone individual, over time, leads to androgenetic alopecia, or female and male pattern baldness.

    In particular cells of the hair follicle, as with in the sebaceous glands, there are enzymes called 5-alpha-reductase that are in high levels, converting testosterone which is then carried to these areas by the blood, and into DHT.

    Hair loss myths:

    Myth #1: Hair loss of an individual is inherited from the mother side.

    Not true. Genetics is one factor of hair loss, it can be inherited from either the father?s or the mother?s side.

    Myth #2. Frequent cutting of hair will make it grow thicker.

    Not true. Although when the hair is cut, it would appear thicker at first, after three days or so, your hair would drop off and new hair would grow, having the same diameter as the pre cut hair.

    Myth #3. Wearing a Hat Can Cause Hair Loss.

    Not true. The hat can help by blocking off the sun?s harmful rays. Although wearing a hat for a very long period of time may cause sebum accumulation due to temperature changes and can react with cholesterol creating a hardened sebum plug that will cut off oxygen circulation causing the hair to fall out.

    Myth #4. DHT is the reason for hair loss.

    Not true. Although an over production of! DHT is a significant reason for hair loss, it is not the only cause.

    Myth #5. Frequent shampooing and blow drying lead to hair loss.

    Not true. Heat can damage the hair, reason for brittle hair; it does not harm the roots of the hair.

    Even worse, some perscription drugs are known to cause hair loss. Avoid if at all possible the following drugs:

    - Cholesterol-lowering drugs:

    - clofibrate (Atromis-S)

    - gemfibrozil (Lopid)

    - Antidepressants:

    - tricyclics, amphetamines

    - High blood pressure:

    - atenolol (Tenormin)

    - metoprolol (Lopressor)

    - nadolol (Corgard)

    - propranolol (Inderal)

    - timolol (Blocadren)

    - Antithyroid:

    - carbimazole

    - Iodine

    - thiocyanate

    - thiouracil

    - Ulcer drugs:

    - cimetidine (Tagamet)

    - ranitidine (Zantac)

    - famotidine (Pepcid)

    - Anticoagulents:

    - Coumarin

    - Heparin

    Actions you can take to prevent hair loss:

    - Stop coloring or perming your hair very often for it can damage it - Limit exposure of your hair to chlorine - Avoid exaggerated brushing or combing wet hair - Use a conditioner every after shampoo to make grooming manageable and easier - Regulate heat exposure. Blow-drying, hot-curling and exposure to straightening irons may damage your hair over time - Avoid medications that can lead hair loss such as Vitamin A, testosterone products, beta blockers, certain antidepressants and certain cholesterol-lowering agents - Too much alcohol should be avoided. Be careful in choosing your hair care products as some contain alcohol and can contribute to hair dryness, brittle and hair that is prone to breakage. - Tight ponytails and braids can lead to hair damage - Maintain a healthy diet, eating lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking enough water - Birth control pills can contribute to hair loss - Consult your doctor if should you notice abnormal hair loss, as certain medical conditions such as lupus or having polycystic ovaries, ! or hyper thyroidism can cause hair loss

    Vitamins you can take to prevent hair loss:

    - Thiamin ( B1)

    Containing the mineral sulfur, this is the essential element of the hair that gives gloss and shine.

    - Riboflavin (B2)

    This vitamin is vital for body cell breathing, ensuring efficient oxygen utilization for cell repair and production.

    - Niacin (B3)

    Helps to widen capillaries and vessels thereby increasing the blood circulation to the scalp to help stimulate hair growth. It also may reduce the cholesterol build up which is essential since cholesterol on the scalp will convert to the enzyme 5 alpha reductase.

    - Pahtothenic Acid (B5)

    This vitamin helps in restoring hair color and brightness. It works with the amino acid Tyrosine Folic Acid, PABA and Copper in the deterrence white and gray hair.

    - Biotin (B7)

    Biotin is a widely used ingredient in hair products due to its hair promoting properties. Biotin increases hair cortex elasticity , prevents breakage, and thickens hair cuticle.

    - Cobalamin (B12)

    Regenerates red blood cells for healthy hair.

    - Pyridoxine (B6).

    Responsible for protein intake balance, it helps in transporting amino acids to the proper tissues. This is also essential in the conversion of one amino acid to another like the conversion of Methionine to Cysteine. With Inositol, they regulate oil flow to the scalp and the skin.

    For more great hair loss related articles and resources check out http://hairloss.haircarehaven.com

    วันศุกร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Fire Your Diet

    *Do you truly believe that not eating or cutting back on calories will cause weight to be lost?

    *Guess what you are correct ?You Heard Me, the WEIGHT will come off.*

    *In 9-12 weeks you could lose those 25 lbs. Keeping it off now comes the Work!*

    *Here is what will happen- The body thinks in a starvation mode. Once you start to:

    *eat again (you will), Fat is produced in the body and is stored for the next diet

    *starvation mode (one or more skipped meals) that will happen. We wind up gaining

    *gaining more WEIGHT than we lost in the first place.

    * If you put on 50 lbs. since you were in your mid 20?s, why would you believe 10-

    *20 years of gaining weight would come off in 3 months?

    *Interesting I heard people state that they kept the weight off for 2 years!

    * False- weight loss (diet) did happen and slowly the weight came back once again!*

    *Isn?t it time to FIRE YOUR DIET!!!*

    * Putting your body through a ?yo-yo effect? over the years will cause internal

    * Organs and will lead to heart related diseases.

    *By restricting your calories and you will suffer withdrawal and your energy level.

    *will be super low!!!* A diet program will offer support and maintenance programs.

    *filled with people looking to be rescued, are based upon daily caloric allowances.*

    * These Caloric Allowances has contributed to the Obesity Problem in our country.*

    * Low Fat and Fat Free is a joke, a complete MARKETING SCAM!!!!!

    * Carbohydrates, Fat and Protein, where do we turn?*

    * Here is the secret ?Eat REAL FOOD ?Dominated by REAL VEGETABLES And FRUIT!

    * Last Secret for today FIRE YOUR DIET!!

    Joe Kasper, M.S. Exercise Physiologist - 10 Years of schooling:BS Exercise Physiologoly, MS Health and Exercise Science, MS Education and Special Populations,Doc. level course work Aquatic Therapy. Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Adapted Physical Eduaction Coordinator, Owner Physical Therapy/ Chiropractic P! ractice, Master Trainer and Motivational Speaker. Currently owner of Call For Your Health.

    Health Coach to Clients Ages 4-92 world wide. Learn how Joe's Programs will give you the great health that you deserve. Find out how Joe will pay your food bill for one year!!!

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    Free Self Hypnosis? Well I Have Some Free Air Here For You As Well

    Everyone wants something for nothing these days?Free trials, Free tests, Free samples Free delivery, etc etc.

    Just remember one thing??You get what you pay for!? ?In no other areas is this more true than the area of hypnosis and self hypnosis.

    Let me explain something. Hypnosis works by engaging your unconscious mind in something that you consider is worthwhile. As your conscious mind gives the directions to your unconscious it is saying ?Pay attention, this is important?. It is a sad fact of life in today?s society that when things cost money they are deemed to have a greater value than when they are free. Quality always costs more, and your unconscious knows this, because you told it!

    Even if it is a small amount, the exchange of money for services is a commitment to the process of change. I know many therapists who would love to do their job for free but they know that they would not get anywhere near the level of results they do when they charge. The more something costs the more focussed we are on making that money worthwhile.

    Anything that is free has cost the supplier nothing (or near enough) so do you think they have attached any value to it? No. so why should you?

    I have given sessions for free and all I got was people messing around. When I charge I get people who are paying attention and want to change.

    So come on guys, if you want something that is free, take another lungful of air. If you want to change your life for the better, make sure that is worth your while.

    Rachel Silvers is the creator of the Spirit Waves website. This site is dedicated to bringing the best in Almost Free hypnosis, hypnosis, healing and self development resources into one place. She has also begun to bring together the unique bodyshifting resources and techniques that will enable people to change their physical body to more suit their desires.

    วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Your Way out of the Obesity Epidemic

    Journal of the American Medical Association published a research which tells that; on average Americans watch four to five hours of television per day, making it the most prevalent and pervasive sedentary behavior in the US. Technology has brought time and labor saving products. Cars, Elevators, dishwashers, food processors, etc? have brought about a changed lifestyle where the overall energy expended is decreased. This has led to obesity. Obesity can expose you to serious health hazards

    ?Heart disease and stroke is a leading cause of disability
    ?Diabetes - Type 2
    ?Cancers of the colon, rectum, prostrate in men, uterus, gall bladder, cervix, ovary, breasts and colon in women
    ?Sleep Apnea due to interrupted breathing during sleep
    ?Gall stones and gall bladder diseases.

    Adults around the world are getting fatter and the obesity epidemic is becoming an alarming concern. Are you obese? Would you like to rule this possibility out? A simple body mass index calculation could give you an indication. The formula for the body fat calculator is BMI = kg/m2. The weight in kilograms is divided by the square of the height (in meters). If you have your height in inches, then multiply it with 0.00254. Similarly weight in pounds if multiplied by 0.45 is converted to kilograms.

    ?A BMI of 19 to 24.9 is considered normal weight
    ?A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered over weight
    ?A BMI of 30 and above is considered obese

    Factors that influence obesity are many and can include genetic, environmental, and psychological as well. Excess body weight usually occurs when a person takes in more than the required amount of calories. The excess calories are converted and stored as body fat.

    Research has gone into various other factors responsible for obesity. Some say sedentary life styles and too much TV watching can influence obese behavior patterns. Other research has also included the bacteria in our intestines as a causative factor as well.

    What ca! n be don e to combat this epidemic?

    ?Research finds indicate that a significant positive effect on obese and diabetic persons is the exercise patterns.
    ?A regular exercise can go a long way in bringing over all benefit to the body.
    ?It increases body metabolism.
    ?It also strengthens the cardio vascular system.
    ?It strengthens the bones and muscles thereby increasing balance and coordination.
    ?De-stresses the body and increases the sense of well being.
    ?Helps you sleep better.

    In our endeavors we should not only target increasing physical activity but also target a decrease in sedentary behavior. Every two hours spent walking or standing at home cuts the risk of obesity around 10%. A brisk walk of an hour contributes to a drop in 24% risk. Reduce your total caloric intake and more specific the dietary fat to yield better results.

    Quick weight loss through weight loss surgery is bad weight loss solution. Instead a healthy lifestyle of no more than 10 hours of television per week and a thirty minutes walk daily can better your health.

    Slimmingbasics.com gives you an overall picture of how body becomes fat. Suggestions on quick weight loss, weight loss solutions etc?. could help you in your weight reduction program.

    Understanding the Yoga Sutras

    In the West, there are many who practice Yoga for the physical benefits only. I'll never forget the first-time experience of teaching Yoga in a commercial health club setting.

    After practicing asanas and pranayama, I mentioned that we would start a meditation session. To my surprise, two of the students stood up and left. This natural event in a health club is almost never seen in an Ashram.

    What am I getting at here? Teaching all aspects of Yoga to everyone is sometimes like force-feeding a child. As teachers and interns, you should know all the benefits of Yoga. Unfortunately, your students may not want to know anything except how to shape that body.

    The philosophy and big picture of Yoga will have to be carried on by you and your most dedicated students. Keep in mind that each person will interpret the Yoga Sutras, written by Patanjali, differently. Just like reading the Magna Carta, the Bible, and the U.S. Constitution, there is room for different interpretations.

    Sutra means, to thread, and there are 194 Yoga Sutras that make up the tapestry of Yoga. Within these verses are guidelines to self-discovery and purpose. The first four Sutras, of the first section, are said to be the foundation of the entire work.

    1:1 And now the lesson on union begins... This could also be interpreted as, and now the instruction of Yoga begins.

    1:2 Yoga is settling thoughts of the mind into tranquility. This can be interpreted into a number of ways. Quite simply, it is the settling of mind chatter into silence, which is the basis for meditation.

    1:3 When the thoughts have settled, the subject dwells in his/her own nature, which is unlimited consciousness. This would be, when you have calmed your mind, by restraining the mind chatter, you are ready for meditation.

    1:4 Otherwise, our nature is overshadowed by mind chatter. In other words, if you do not calm your mind, you will be overtaken by the endless multitasking, which happens during the course of a norm! al day.< /p>

    1:5 There are five types of thought and they may, or may not, cause pain.

    At first, this seems vague, but Patanjali gives a much deeper explanation in the next seven Sutras. Learning to classify mind chatter will teach us to prioritize, and therefore, make the most of the present moment.

    1:6 The five types of thought are: Right Knowledge, Wrong Knowledge, Imagination, Sleep, and Memory.

    1:7 Right knowledge is the ability to understand ideas based on correct perception, inference, and genuine testimony.

    Our understanding of events, people, and philosophy, is founded in the idea that we are receiving reliable information from outside resources. These resources in the 21st century are many, but finding the correct information is not always easy.

    1:8 Wrong knowledge is misunderstanding, illusory, and false.

    Talk about profound words. At this time, it is wise to thoroughly research any subject before deciding whether it is true or false.

    1:9 Imagination is thought that is founded on word knowledge which has no substance.

    True imagination has no substance, but imagination is very creative and can benefit mankind. It can also be very destructive in the form of weapons. Lastly, it can be self destructive in the form of worry.

    1:10 Sleep is a state of mind which is full of the sense of nothingness.

    Sleep is as essential as food. Many books have been written on the subject of sleep and dreams. Deciphering dreams is not an exact science and you cannot spend all your waking moments worrying about what might be.

    On the other hand - sometimes dreams give us answers to problems and cannot be entirely ignored. Hopefully, this will be food for thought and you might reflect on the writings of Patanjali.

    Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts! , with m ultiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher. http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/index.html

    วันพุธที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Top Tips for Fantastic Skin Keep Young and Healthy from the Inside Out

    When you meet people, what do they see? Your face, your skin, that?s what. Your skin condition can say a lot about your health and your lifestyle. Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body? An adult human skin weighs around 5kg (11lbs) and has a surface area of 2 sq. metres (22 sq. feet), which is approximately the size of a double bed. Even with your clothes on that?s a lot of target for damage from the outside ? injury, sunlight, cigarette smoke, environmental pollution. So your skin can be damaged by what it is exposed to, and at the same time, it reflects internal emotions (e.g. when you sweat or blush) and conditions (especially the health of your digestive system). The condition of your skin is closely dependant on what you eat.

    Nutrition and Your Skin

    Nutrition is fundamentally involved at every stage of your skin development. Collagen makes up 70% of your skin and depends on vitamin C. Dry, rough skin (caused by the build up the protein keratin on the outer layers) can be prevented by Vitamin A. The membranes of skin cells are made from essential fats. Dry skin can be caused by a lack of these fats. The flexibility of your skin is reduced as you get older mainly because of oxidation damage caused by free radicals ? from pollution, cigarette smoke, fried and burnt foods, sunlight. This damage can be limited by nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E and selenium. Lack of zinc can lead to stretch marks and slow wound healing, and is associated with a wide variety of skin problems from acne to eczema.

    Foods to Keep You Young and Beautiful

    Foods that can enhance your appearance need to feature as many of the following as possible: antioxidants, antibacterials, fibre to clear toxins, essential fats to support skin and reduced levels of saturated fat and sugar.

    The sorts of foods where you?ll get this kind of combination are: fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrains, fish, pulses, nuts and seeds.

    So, to improve your skin, include the fo! llowing in your diet:

    Apricots, cantaloupe melon, carrots, eggs, liver, pumpkin, red peppers, watercress - contain Vitamin A and beta carotene.

    Blackcurrants, broccoli, citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, papaya, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and sprouted seeds ? contain Vitamin C.

    Almonds, avocado, eggs, hazelnuts, olive oil, Sunflower seeds, walnuts ? contain Vitamin E.

    Brazil nuts, cabbage, chicken, eggs, liver, molasses, mushrooms, onions, seafood, tuna ? contain Selenium.

    Almonds, chicken, cauliflower, carrots, cucumber, eggs, oats, potatoes, sardines, tuna ? contain Zinc.

    And reduce your intake of these:


    Coffee/tea (no more than 2 cups per day)


    Saturated fat (found in meat and dairy products).

    And think about these other factors:

    Avoid strong sunlight and use a sun block (sunlight causes oxidative damage and speeds the ageing process of your skin).

    Wash your skin with a gentle oil-based cleanser, not soap, and consider what is in your skin products such as your moisturiser (many cosmetics contains strong petroleum/alcohol based substances ?remember these are absorbed through the skin).

    Take regular exercise (it stimulates blood flow, which will enhance delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells).

    Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses per day (1- 1? litres)) to hydrate the skin. Too little water can be a major factor in dry skin.

    Consider taking some nutritional supplements: a good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement; vitamin C; an antioxidant blend (containing at least vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium); and an essential fatty acid supplement (linseed oil, fish oil or evening primrose oil or oil blend). Remember supplements should be considered as an addition to a good diet and healthy lifestyle, not a replacement for one.

    Use a skin brush for your body (upward strokes working from feet to torso) and an exfoliation cream for your face. Exfoliation helps to clear blo! cked por es and smooth away dead, dry skin.

    If that sounds a lot to think about, don?t let it put you off. You can have the skin you deserve, the skin that reflects a healthier you. Just take it step by step. First introduce apricots, cantaloupe melon etc (the Vitamin A foods). Then when you?ve worked through introducing the healthier range of foods, start reducing the alcohol and sugar. In no time at all you?ll be on the road to better health and better skin.

    Penny Williams is a nutritional therapist. Her website and newsletter can be found at http://www.lifefirst.info

    Feel Anxious Again? Go Excercising or Relax to Music

    Of course, no matter if you've ever experienced anxiety disorder, you know about such treatments as herbal or homeopathy management of it with the use of the essence of Bach flower, berocca or ginger, gotu kola or lemongrass leaves, licorice, magnesium, passion flower, St. John's wort or valerian.

    Aromatherapy along with hydrotherapy do not work recent research say. Vitamin C is not effective either, according to these studies. No matter how much you laugh, pray, avoid caffeine in your food and drink or keep to a carbohydrate-rich/protein-poor diet, or how many hours a week you spend on yoga. This measures are absolutely uneffective in anxiety disorder treatment.

    But if you swap praying for meditation, and yoga classes for dance/movement therapy together with music, you increase the chance that your effort will be paid off. In the same category alternative myou can find relaxation therapy, exercise, bibliotherapy, autogenic therapy, massage (might be effective for kids only, researchers say), inositol and acupuncture.

    Some treatments, such as kava and 5-hydroxyl-L-tryptophan, are effective but kava brings with it severe side effect, such as liver toxity and 5-hydroxyl-L-tryptophan can cause eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome.

    The conclusion investigators came to is that the majority of complementary and edicines so popular nowadays cannot be accepted as an adequate alternative for treating anxiety disorders.

    You can read more at complementary and alternative medicine articles.

    Dr. Elizabeth Robinson is one of the leading specialists at Health Care center where she works more than half of her life saving and helping different people.

    วันอังคารที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Beating Diarrhoea Naturally

    Diarrhoea is an increase in frequency of bowel motion which is loose and watery. Whatever age, physiology, culture or diet an individual has, having bowel motions that consists of loose watery stools more than three times a day generally is considered abnormal and is classified as diarrhoea. Sometimes other conditions are associated with diarrhoea such as stomach cramps, nausea, and fever, lost of appetite, vomiting and foul smelling stools. Many different conditions can cause diarrhoea, acute diarrhoea is debilitating and can be fatal, it is normally caused by an infection and it is wise to consult a doctor straight away especially when it affects children. Diarrhoea can cause low blood sugar levels, low blood pressure, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and even shock. Other than viral, bacterial, protozoon and yeast infections, diarrhoea can be caused by anxiety, stress, overuse of laxatives, inflammatory bowel disease and taking antibiotics. If diarrhoea last longer than a week it is wise to consult a doctor, there may well be a medical condition that is causing the diarrhoea such as irritable bowel syndrome.

    Changes in the diet can help with diarrhoea, some foods that contain sugars such as fructose which is found in fruit juices and sorbitol can cause diarrhoea, by eliminating food that contain these sugars from the diet, diarrhoea may cease. Diarrhoea can also be caused by another sugar; a sugar called lactose which is found in milk. A person suffering from lactose intolerance lacks the enzyme needed digest the milk sugar lactose and it is this that causes diarrhoea, by avoiding milk and milk containing products, people who are lactose intolerant can avoid diarrhoea. Drinking excessive amount of coffee a day has been linked to causing diarrhoea in certain people. As well as excessive amounts of coffee, it would be wise to check supplement consumption, taking excessive amount of vitamin C and also magnesium in supplement form can cause diarrhoea. It is also well known that food allergies! and sen sitivities can cause diarrhoea, if you suffer a lot from diarrhoea it may well be worth consulting your doctor or nutritional therapist about a possibility of food allergy or intolerance.

    If you are suffer from diarrhoea, drink plenty of water to counter dehydration, avoid fruit juices, prunes, milk and dairy products, take enteric coated garlic powder tablet, psyllium supplement, probiotic supplements and grape fruit seed extract.

    The following supplements may help if you are suffering from Diarrhoea.

    Aloe Vera juice

    Colloidal silicol gel

    Garlic powder tablets


    Grape fruit seeds extract

    Lactase (for lactose-intolerant people)

    Lapacho (for infective diarrhoea)

    Manuka honey (for infective diarrhoea)

    Mastic gum (for infective diarrhoea)

    Multiple vitamin-mineral (to protect against deficiencies)

    Olive leaf extracts (for infective diarrhoea)



    Slippery elm

    Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh
    Advice for a healthier natural life
    Website: http://www.newbeingnutrition.com

    วันจันทร์ที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Why Early Diagnosis of Pediatric Asthma Is Important

    Asthma has received a very high attention in the past 2 decades, for a number of reasons.

  • It is one of the most common chronic diseases in children and adults.
  • As data accumulated, asthma was recognized as a complex genetic disease, with numerous contributing genes.
  • It causes children to miss time from school and adults to miss time from work.
  • In latest 20 years asthma hospitalization and mortality rates increased in the United States and remain alarmingly high given the current state of knowledge. Asthma contributes to more than 500,000 hospitalizations and 5000 deaths annually resulting in costs exceeding $12 billion. Asthma is a disease marked by variable airway obstruction. This variable obstruction may result in variable symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, and chest tightness. From the patient's perspective, these symptoms are the most obvious signs of worsening asthma.

    Because the incidence, prevalence, and mortality of asthma have increased in children over the past several decades, the early and accurate diagnosis of pediatric asthma is important from at least two points of view:
  • The airway inflammation is not a static, reversible event. It may result in permanent changes; furthermore, progressive pathogenesis can occur even among infants or children with mild disease.
  • Environmental exposure to allergen, tobacco smoke, pollutants, low birth weight, and infections all play a contributing role in worsening the condition. The most common asthma therapy in children is inhaled bronchodilator medications. They are highly effective in opening airways narrowed by asthma. In fact, they are the most effective. In addition, they have few severe side effects when used in the recommended dose and frequency. They are available by both metered dose inhaler and nebulizer. In very severe conditions doctor may prescribe other medications.

    A last notice. Your child may take the medicine for about a week after the asthma symptoms end. If yo! ur child has more severe asthma and many episodes, he/she may need to take medicines every day, including one or more anti-inflammatory medicines.

    Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues such as allergic asthma

  • วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Adult Acne: Can It Still be Cured?

    The tales of adult acne has ever been a silent one, only told as whispers and an unfortunate few suffered from it, some may even refuse to show themselves to the world. The manifestation of adult acne has been recognized during the Eighties, when the yuppie generation has standardized of what is to become the hip urban lifestyle free of adult acne and any other lesions.

    Though adult acne is one aesthetic issue that is quite prevalent in the real world, nearly 25 percent of men, and about 50 percent of women from their twenties and even in their fifties may still experience having adult acne. The face is usually the first place for adult acne to appear, and may also form in parts of the body only their significant other knows where.

    So much like the majority of teenagers with their growing pains, what sort of twisted fate that could make adults tremble with fear due to adult acne? Have they suffered enough when they were younger and forced to douse themselves with every medicated formula there is to cure adult acne?

    As much as today's medical breakthroughs can offer in the 21st century, adult acne, so much like teenage acne, still has no cure though doctors and dermatologists believe its roots may be traced to hormonal imbalance. Another addition to the cause of adult acne can be found on how we actually live, mostly on diet, stress, vitamin deficiency, and evolutionary biology. No, we are not turning into monsters. All they can prescribe is that products on acne marketed for teens may also be used by adults.

    Social issues fall victim to adult acne, causing anxiety and depression among friends and family alike. Who could just walk into an after-hours club when his or her face is covered in adult acne? It may be a vanity thing for those who would want to stand out to be noticed, but adult acne is one type of concern that will definitely make you stand out like a weed. Skin clinics rejoice that they make thousands of (pesos) from people to help them get rid of their adult acne. Co! smetic p roducts like foundations, blushes and such kept flying off the shelves as women find ways to hide the scars caused by adult acne. They would say that 'judge not a book by its cover', but it would only mean that only the fortunate ones have not suffered adult acne. As we live in a generation where superficiality can be just about anything, adult acne has become a hindrance of a majority of adults who wish to look presentable.

    We have yet to find the ultimate cure for adult acne, and while the answer is yet to be found, only prevention is the best cure for adult acne.

    Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

    Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about acne, please go to: http://acne.besthealthlink.net/ or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to: http://www.besthealthlink.net/

    Different Detoxification Methods

    In the increasingly toxic environment that we live today, no sane human being will dispute the importance and efficacy of detoxification in achieving long lasting health. Several articles and reports have shown the increasing levels of degenerative diseases, cancers, cardiovascular diseases, just name it, as a result of the increasing toxic pollution of the modern environment.

    Ask yourself why almost every one out of two men and one of every three women in America will be diagnosed of one type of cancer in their lifetime, why almost a third of Americans suffer one form of cardiovascular disease or the other, why more than ten million adults suffer asthmatic conditions in American alone, or why millions of people, globally, die annually, as a result of one chronic disease or the other. The answer is the same. The world we live today is no longer safe, millions upon millions of dangerous and damaging toxic materials are released into our environment by the same companies and products that we believe are making life easier for us.

    Since it has become virtually impossible to eliminate these dangerous chemicals from our environment, the only option we are left with, is to cleanse our body of these chemicals periodically. Detoxification is unarguably very important for a long lasting health.

    There are several ways to achieve detoxification of the system, some depend on the type of chemicals we are attempting to rid the body of, while others have a general effect. Let's take a look at some of these procedures.

    Coffee enema detoxification is a natural way of detoxifying the body and it is mostly regarded to be general in action, that is, it cleanses the body of all forms of toxins. For this method to be effective however, you will need an organic and fully caffeinated brew of coffee that is specially made to be used in enemas. Because most commercial coffees are not made for this purpose, they are not likely to be effective. This detoxification method can be done at home and at! your co nvenience, all you need is fresh organic coffee beans and a French press coffee pot. Add boiling water to the coffee grounds, which you freshly grind for the purpose to be sure they are still fresh, allow it to cool, use the French press pot to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid, pour the liquid into your enema bag and from here follow the instructions provided with your enema kit.

    Foot Detox is another simple and easy method of detoxifying. With this procedure, you only have to place your foot in basin of salted water that contains ion generators. The ion generators are then supplied with a very low current of electricity which causes the production of positively charged and negatively charged ions that then attract opposite charged particles in the body. The procedure works by attracting charged toxic substances in the body and then drawing them out into the water. Apparently, this method might only be effective in getting rid of charged toxins in the body, which are mostly metals.

    Saunas are another effective method of getting rid of toxins in the body. A particular procedure known as the far infra red sauna (FIR) first invented by the Japanese has been shown to be a very effective method of detoxification. This method involves the use of radiant energy at a lower temperature to generate heat within the body. The radiant energy has the ability to penetrate deeper into the skin and the underlying subcutaneous layers. The heat generated within the body causes the body to sweat intensely and in the process eliminating waste materials, including harmful toxins. With this method several toxins can be eliminated from the body.

    This is by no means, an exhaustive review of detoxification methods, there are still several methods not mentioned here. There are other methods like the lymphatic therapy that helps the lymphatic system drain its content and also improve the body's immunity, the chelation therapy that involves the use of substances that bind with toxic metals in ! the body , forming salts that the body can easily eliminate and several other natural detoxification methods. You only need to do your research and there will be lots of detoxification procedures to choose from, however, it is always advisable to see your physician to be sure of what toxins constitute risk to your health and perhaps the best method to get rid of these.

    Michael Russell

    Your Independent guide to Detoxification

    วันเสาร์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Lose Weight Stay Fit and Stick With It!

    Health and nutrition experts continually advise us that the more we exercise the healthier we will be. In magazines, the doctor?s office or on television we are never far from information showing us how to exercise, what to eat and how to lose weight. One constant rule, in the expert?s opinion, is that regular physical activity is an essential element to successful weight loss and fitness maintenance.

    There are a few tried and true strategies that will help you to stay fit and trim. Most of all, as you plan your personal fitness goals, be reasonable and keep them within reach. Setting unrealistic ideals will only lead to failure.

    Keep these tips handy and from time to time check the list to confirm that you are staying on track.

    1. Get active and stay active. This will be the most important step to achieve. It is so easy to find reasons not to exercise. Just remember a little light to moderate activity each day will bring great results. Once maintained, even a daily walk will become second nature and you may find yourself actually looking forward to your exercise time.

    2. One size does not fit all ? understand your own unique body type and find out what works best for you. Set realistic goals for yourself and stay on track. Each day will bring it?s own reward as you feel fitter and energized.

    3. Plan a week ahead ? Keep a log of your exercise or activity and put it a prominent place like the fridge or notice board. Chart your progress and thoughts in a notepad and make note of encouraging comments you receive from friends and family.

    4. Eat small portions of food and eat often. Do not put your body into starvation and deprivation mode ? it will only lead to bingeing. Try to keep an accurate daily food diary. You will be surprised how much good food you can eat and still stay trim and fit.

    5. Add a few more extra cardiovascular activities to your day. Whenever possible walk instead of using the car or walk around the block at lunchtime. You will! be surp rised how many calories you can burn over the course of a week just by adding 10 ? 15 extra minutes of daily activity.

    As you start to feel more energetic and vital you will begin to see how setting realistic goals will help you to successfully maintain your fitness level long term. Keeping the weight off and staying in shape can actually get easier with time. From all the information available we all know how important it is to stay active and keep fit - so stick with it!

    Spas in Canada ?2005

    For more information please go to Spas in Canada

    Canadian Health Spas offer the ultimate spa experience.

    A. Kocsi is co-founder of Spas in Canada. After many years enjoying spas in Europe and drawing upon her knowledge of the corporate world along with an successful career in Public Relations and International Marketing Spas in Canada was was created.

    The Spas in Canada website provides a place where premier spas and industry professionals provide useful information to all spa lovers everywhere.

    Contact email: spas@spasincanada.ca

    Los Angeles Car Insurance

    Before discussing car insurance in Los Angeles, one has to have a clear idea what insurance is. Insurance is simply the act of insuring property against damage or loss. Therefore, home owner insurance is a kind of an assurance, a deliberate device to indemnify or give the guarantee against a loss. Reimbursement is made from a fund in which a number of individuals or companies are exposed to the similar type of risk.

    The whole idea behind home insurance is that since many individuals pay premiums for the security of their respective homes and apartments, payment for an individual does not fall heavily on the insurance company, as the money submitted by individuals channelized to make up the loss incurred by the particular individual. So, a particular payment does not even fall heavily on the actual loser. The very essence of home insurance is that it is based on a guiding principle of, what might be termed as mutuality.

    In Los Angeles, like many other places where cars are important, having insurance is an easy way to secure one?s car from the loss that might be suffered on the roads. Car insurance in Los Angeles is available in three easy ways: One can buy insurance policies directly from the companies offering such insurance plans for privately owned cars as well as cars used for commercial purposes in Los Angeles. The second one is to go to a professional broker or an insurance agent for getting all the details about the car insurance schemes. The third option is the handiest one ? one can have easy access to the Internet and acquire all the necessary information and details from the leading car insurance companies of Los Angeles.

    Los Angeles Car Insurance provides detailed information on Los Angeles Car Insurances, Los Angeles New Car Insurances, Los Angeles Car Insurance Quotes, Los Angeles Used Car Insurance and more. Los Angeles Car Insurance is affiliated with Philadelphia Car Insurance Quotes.

    วันศุกร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Speech Therapy For Children Who Stutter

    Do you have a stutter? Does one of your children have a stutter? Do you know somebody who has a stutter? This article is all about the speech impediment known as stuttering or stammering. It includes information about stuttering and also treatments which are available to help people who stutter to achieve fluency.

    Stuttering is a much larger problem than many people think. Latest research suggests that as many as one percent of the population of the UK has a stuttering problem and that around eighty percent of these people are male.

    I had a stutter for eighteen years. I have been informed that I started stuttering when I was only four years of age. I regularly attended speech therapy over the next fourteen years before deciding that it was unlikely to ever help me to achieve fluency.

    The stutter was one huge frustration for me as at times I could talk very well. Certain situations such as when I felt under pressure or when I was very tired, was when speaking fluently became very hard for me. I had a number of words which I believed that I was unable to say and would often fear these type of sounds. I would go to great lengths to avoid having to say them, which was not that easy at times.

    Some people I have met have become extremely good at hiding their own stutter. They have stated that most of the people that they know are not even aware that they have a speech impediment.

    Other people are not able to hide their stutter in this way and will have what is perceived to be a much more severe stutter.

    There are a number of treatments for stuttering including the normal route of speech therapy via the local doctor or hospital. Many people who stutter find this form of therapy very frustrating as there are often long waiting lists, and the sessions are normally quite short and irregular.

    There is also private therapy in the form of people who have managed to overcome their own stutter. This can be on a one-to-one basis or in a group situation.

    Other people att! empt to seek help via hypnotherapy or confidence based courses.

    I managed to overcome my own stutter after a lot of hard work and practice. It was not easy by any stretch of the imagination, however the results have totally transformed my life. I have now enjoyed speaking fluently for the last ten years.

    I have met many people who stutter in that time and have been amazed to hear some of the stories of how they started to stutter. Contrary to popular belief it does not just originate in childhood but can start at any age. A traumatic event can at times trigger the start of a stutter problem in people as can certain forms of abuse.

    If you have a stutter do not despair, help is available and fluency can be achieved if you have the right attitude and are willing to work hard to kill off your stuttering demons.

    Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:

    stuttering information

    cheap ringtones

    quality aviation cleaning products

    Yoga in Practice: Ajna Chakra

    Chakras are vortices located in the subtle body. Ajna chakra is located between the eyebrows. The existence of chakras is a point of contention to some. Yogis, and Yoginis, may practice balancing their chakras, while some religious fundamentalists feel this practice borders on witchcraft. However, let?s discuss one chakra that most everyone can identify with.

    Ajna chakra is referred to as the ?third eye? and is sometimes called,?the mind?s eye.? Whether you believe in the existence of chakras, or not, most of us accept the concepts of intuition and insight. These concepts enable us to use self-reflection for our own advancement.

    Most Yoga practitioners think only in terms of physical Yoga (Hatha Yoga), only. Yet all Yoga practitioners are aware that Yoga involves physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. Therefore, let?s use the ?window of your mind? to your advantage. Visualization is commonly used by successful people to turn thoughts into reality. Although this is a mental exercise, it is a form of spiritual innovation. This is also a formula that will continually yield success in your life.

    By steadily practicing positive visualization, self-analysis, and meditation, any Yoga student should be successful within any chosen path taken during the course of his or her life. You will notice that I mention ?positive? visualization. Do you think that Tiger Woods ever focused on missing a putt or losing a golf tournament? Whatever you envision, can easily become your reality.

    Therefore, always focus on achievement and success. You cannot afford to think of anything else. See yourself overcoming obstacles and living your dreams. This is what all achievers do.

    Now, let?s take a closer look at intuition. If you are not an intuitive person, you should work on enhancing this quality. Balancing Ajna chakra might help you, and if this is not a possibility, you should keep a trusted intuitive person around you, when it is time to make important decisions.

    This! is not to say that intuition is the overriding factor in your decision making, but intuition always has weight. Intuition will help us seek and find the deeper truth in all matters. This allows us to develop our personal awareness of what is, what is not, and what could be.

    As we continue our journey to find the deeper truth, we become much more aware of the many possibilities and opportunities we have to contribute to the common good of all.

    Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher. http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/index.html

    วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Making Herbal Remedies: What Is An Infusion?

    What is an Infusion?

    Simply put, an infusion is your basic cup of tea. Many leaves and flowers, and some whole plants are soluble in liquids, usually water. There are two kinds of infusions: hot and cold.

    The objective of an infusion is to release the medicinal properties of an herb into a liquid that can then be ingested. Each herb has its own unique properties, and it is here that your research is important. Understanding your objective and needs and selecting the appropriate herb to achieve the desired results is the heart of using herbs.

    Making an Infusion:

    An infusion can be made with either fresh or dried herbs. There are a number of companies that produce some very fine, high quality herbal teas that can make your first steps easy.

    If you prefer to use fresh herbs, you would generally use 2 teaspoons of fresh herbs to 1 cup of boiling water. Leaves, flowers and berries should be slightly bruised to help release their aromatic oils.

    Cold Infusions:

    Cold infusions are used when the active principles of a plant are highly volatile or when it could be injured by heat. A cold infusion consists of soaking the herb in cold water or milk for several hours. The herb is then strained.

    Hot Infusions:

    This is the most frequently used of all herb preparations and is produced by pouring boiling water over the herb and steeping this mixture in a covered container for fifteen minutes to half an hour.

    Preserving an Infusion:

    Strain the infusion while hot and pour it into a bottle with a tight stopper. The bottle must be very full leaving only enough room for the stopper. The hotter the infusion and the fewer air bubbles in the container, the longer the infusion will keep.

    Using an Infusion:

    To begin with, drink ? cup of tea before each meal, for three days. Then take stock. Remember, many herbal remedies help to normalize and detoxify the body, and this takes time. Give your tea a chance to work..

    Herbs to Try:

    Pepper mint: This is an all around wonderful herb. It is excellent for stimulating the appetite and promoting digestion. It also has wonderful calmative properties that make it an excellent tea before bed. Peppermint can also work wonders for a miserable cold. The preparation for a cold should be very strong, using at least 2 tea bags or 4 tsp of fresh herb and drunken while still quite hot. The fumes from peppermint help to shrink the swelling in the sinus passages and to loosen phlegm in the chest.

    Chamomile: Is an excellent choice for any problems with the stomach such as indigestion, diarrhea, or upset stomach. Chamomile is a soothing sedative for the body and should be in everyone?s medicine cabinet for whatever might ail you. Chamomile is benign enough for children, however it should be diluted to half strength. Do make sure you are using a reputable supplier for this herb as chamomile is a low growing plant and can often have ragweed mixed in which can aggravate allergies.

    Please keep your eye out for our next article: What is a Decoction.

    MK Welty hosts an information website for herb enthusiasts at http://usingherbs.com The website focuses on the use of herbs rather than supplements and provides in-depth discussion on the uses of specific herbs and the preparation of herbal remedies.

    What Are Prescription Eyeglasses Made Of?

    Prescription eyeglasses are manufactured in a variety of materials. The most basic is the glass lens. The glass lens is by far the best in absorbing ultraviolet light. It comes in several different colors and is, of course, scratch resistant. It is also one of the least expensive. The downfall to the glass lens is the weight of a pair of prescription eyeglasses made of glass. They are also very breakable and have to undergo a heat-treated process to ensure durability.

    Another material used to manufacture prescription eyeglasses is the High-Index plastic lens. It also absorbs ultra violet light well. This type of lens is much lighter in weight than the glass lens; however, they are also very expensive and can be scratched very easily.

    Resin Plastic is another type of material used in manufacturing the prescription eyeglass lens. They are the lightest of all lenses, but do not offer the high level of protection against ultra violet light that the other lenses offer.

    Some prescription eyeglasses are tinted with a wide variety of colors and shades. The purpose of the tint is to reduce the glare from certain situations: such as bright lights, computers television sets, etc. Another reason for the tinting of the lenses are to offer comfort to the eyes. Also, people order tints on their eyeglasses for the fashion.

    Glass and most plastic lenses are coated with a UV protection coating. Ultra violet rays can cause severe damage to the eyes. It is very important to protect your eyes while out in the sun.

    Another coating that is added to a pair of prescription eyeglasses is the scratch-resistant coating. Sometimes this coating is applied at the manufacturer and other times it can be added right there at the eye doctors office. It must be said, however, that even while this coating can aid in the durability of the lens, it does not make the lens scratch proof.

    Tim Gorman is a successful webmaster and publisher of Vision-Doctor.com an online website that offers dis! counts o n contact lenses, sunglasses, free information on LASIK eye surgery procedures and discount prescription eyeglasses that you can view in the privacy of your own home.

    วันพุธที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Mesothelioma: More About this Asbestos Cancer

    Cancers and other forms of diseases are usually named according to the part of the body or the internal organ where abnormal growth of malignant cells takes place. In the case of Mesothelioma, the abnormal cells grow in the mesothelium, a surface cell layer that covers and protects most internal organs. Normally, the mesothelium produces small amount of fluid in order to lubricate its layers?one of which directly covers the organ?and allow the movement of the organs, like the expansion and contraction of the lungs. A Mesothelioma cancer patient?s mesothelium produces too much of this lubricating fluid, thereby damaging nearby tissues and organs. The most common form of Mesothelioma is Pleural Mesothelioma, which begins in the Pleural or Peritoneum, the membrane that lines the chest cavity and covers the lungs.

    About 2,000 cases of Mesothelioma have been noted yearly in United States. This is still a rare disease to consider, although the reported incidents have escalated in the past two decades. It has been observed and proven that heavy and long exposure to asbestos is the prime cause of Mesothelioma. Asbestos is a group of minerals in strong, flexible and fibrous form. It is used in industrial products such as cement, brake linings, textiles, electrical insulation, flooring products, chemical filters, fireproofing materials and others. This explains why most Mesothelioma patients are working in construction sites, shipyards and manufacturing companies of said industrial products. Small asbestos particles float in the air and are either inhaled or swallowed by workers or persons within the vicinity. Aside from Mesothelioma, these people can acquire asbestosis, a non-cancerous chronic lung sickness and other forms of cancer of the lungs, cancer of the larynx and kidney.

    Asbestos-related Mesothelioma comprise only 70 to 80 percent of the all the reported cases of the said cancer. There are reported Mesothelioma cases wherein the patients did not have any ! known ex posure to asbestos. Some have been exposed only for a short period of time but still developed the cancer 20 to 50 years after the exposure, like in the case of a Mesothelioma cancer patient who only washed clothes that have been exposed to asbestos. Likewise, asbestos fibers that have been stuck in the hair strands of a factory worker can also risk the health of others whom he lives with. It is therefore important for workers exposed to asbestos to change their clothes and take a shower before leaving the workplace to prevent his family members or companions from inhaling the asbestos particles and thus, from acquiring Mesothelioma.

    The Mesothelioma cancer is slow-forming. That?s why one develops the cancer so many years after the exposure to asbestos. Some develop the cancer fifty years after the exposure, which makes it hard to determine whether the person has Mesothelioma or not, especially when the patient has no knowledge of the exposure to asbestos. Moreover, malignant Mesothelioma shows signs similar to those of other ailments such as pneumonia. Symptoms of Pleural Mesothelioma also evident in other illnesses include: shortness of breath, persistence of cough, weight loss and chest pain. Peritoneal Mesothelioma, which affects the abdominal cavity, is indicated by swelling of and pain in the abdomen, weight loss, bowel obstruction, anemia, blood clotting abnormalities and fever.

    Complete physical examination is needed to make sure one has Mesothelioma cancer. This includes xrays of the body part where the symptoms are felt or seen, CT scan and MRI. To confirm Mesothelioma, a biopsy is also performed by a surgeon or oncologist (a physician who is specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of a cancer). The sample tissue removed by the surgeon is examined by the pathologist. Once confirmed, the doctor then finds out the extent of the cancer, which is crucial to the treatment of Mesothelioma. Although malignant, Mesothelioma when earlier diagnosed can ! still b e treated. Most Mesothelioma patients undergo surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

    David Arnold Livingston is an advocate for Health and recommends, as a resource: http://www.newmesothelioma.com/Mesothelioma

    Acne Scar Removal Surgery

    Acne scar removal surgery is one way of treating the scars left behind from acne. Acne scar removal surgery can be done by your dermatologist.

    If you are considering acne scar removal surgery be sure to do some research. Before you have acne scar removal surgery check out the doctor and the treatments available.

    Some things your doctor will consider before acne scar removal surgery are your age and health as well as the type and severity of the scars. Before acne scar removal surgery your doctor may also need to know how you tolerate certain meds and procedures.

    One type of acne scar removal surgery is called dermabrasion. When dermabrasion is used the top layers of skin are removed with a machine. This type of acne scar removal surgery should produce skin that appears smoother.

    Another kind of acne scar removal surgery is the chemical peel. A chemical peel is an acne scar removal surgery procedure where the top layer of skin is removed chemically as the name implies. The skin regenerates after a chemical peel and often the appearance of the skin is improved.

    Laser resurfacing is a type of acne scar removal surgery that uses a high-energy light to burn away acne-damaged skin. This acne scar removal surgery is used to minimize fine scars.

    Punch grafts are an acne scar removal surgery that is used for deep acne scars. When this acne scar removal surgery is used, unscarred skin is used to replace skin that is scarred with acne.

    The best acne scar removal surgery for you will be the one that you and your doctor decide on together.

    Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Clear-Skin-Solutions.com. He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne skin care products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

    Protect Your Eyes with a Wide Variety of Sunglasses Available Online

    Besides being a wonderful complement to your wardrobe, sunglasses (including discount sunglasses and designer styles), also play an important function in protecting your eyes from the sun?s harmful rays. Protecting your eyes with sun glasses is just as important as protecting your skin. UV (ultraviolet) light consists of three bands of light to include UVA, UVB and UVC. UVA light hasn?t been proven to lead to any eye disorders but the eyes should still be protected from it. UVB is the most damaging of the three as it will burn skin and damage the eyes, possibly leading to cataracts and UVC is said to be of little worry. When purchasing sunglasses it is important to find a pair of sun glasses that has at least ninety eight percent UVA and UVB protection to ensure your eyes are getting the best protection.

    Never have there been so many sunglasses designs, styles and colors to choose from whether you are shopping for discount sunglasses, children?s sunglasses, designer sunglasses, replica sunglasses, prescription sunglasses or sports sunglasses the choices are endless. Whatever sunglasses you do have in your collection you?ll want to be sure they are good quality eye wear that protect your eyes while looking great.

    Purchasing sunglasses can be an exciting and overwhelming experience given the vast array of styles, designs and colors of sunglasses frames and lenses to choose from. Some of the popular trends in sunglasses today can include; preppy look sunglasses with semi-rimless styles made with metal and zyl; sports optics sunglasses with special lenses to filter out blue and red light while allowing green light excellent for enhancing a golfers vision on the green; vintage look plastics with metal trims, visible studs and openwork designs, available in sunglasses styles that are large, square or with rounded corners; sunglasses with jewelry touches, rhinestones and facets and magnetic sunglasses clip-ons for prescription wearers.

    You?ll want to start early when it comes to protecting ! your chi ldren?s eyes from UV (ultraviolet) damage, especially as they are more than likely to spend a lot of time playing out in direct sunlight. There is a wide variety of sunglasses styles to choose from with plenty of designs similar to the sunglasses worn by adults. With popular designs to include oval sunglasses, rectangular sun glasses, round sunglasses, cat eye sunglasses and geometric sunglasses shapes along with plastic frames styled like the popular adult sunglasses. It?s always a good idea to let your children choose their own sunglasses as they will be more likely to wear them.

    Another popular trend in sunglasses is that of designer sunglasses, with most clothing designers having a line of sunglasses designs. Whatever look you may prefer; whether it be feminine, urban, simple or conservative, there is sure to be fashion sunglasses to complement your lifestyle. For anyone who appreciates the look of the designer sunglasses but cannot afford the price that goes along with them, there is a wonderful selection of designer replica sunglasses that offer a much more affordable alternative.

    For prescription eyewear users who usually wear clip-on sunglasses there are many prescription sunglasses choices today. Clip-ons are wonderful sunglasses accessories but can be easily misplaced, whereas prescription sunglasses can be worn outdoors anytime without having to look for and keep handy your clip-ons. It is now possible to find basic to high prescription sunglasses, bifocal sunglasses, presbyopic sunglasses and progressive sunglasses lenses. The prescription sunglasses are also available in most of the trendy designs, styles and frame colors as regular sunglasses with the exception of some of the wraparound sports sunglasses that have a severe curve in the lenses. Sunglasses lenses can be made in many materials to include high index, polycarbonate and regular plastic with glass lenses rarely being used.

    Polarized sunglasses are another popular choice when it comes to selecting the right sungla! sses. Po larized sunglasses are ideal for water and winter sports where water and snow can increase the reflective glare. Polarized sunglasses are excellent for boating, fishing, water skiing, snow boarding, driving, golfing, cycling, motorcycling and jogging available in sunglasses and goggles styles. With polarized sunglasses absorbing approximately ninety eight percent of reflective glare they offer glare free vision. The polarized sunglasses are available in a wide variety of designs, styles and colors to complement whatever sport of activity you might be participating in.

    The selection of sports sunglasses and performance sunglasses have never been better with sunglasses to not only protect your eyes from the sun?s harmful rays, but sunglasses to enhance your sports performance. Sport optics sunglasses with special lenses are available to filter out blue and red light while allowing green light to come through, thus increasing the contrast on the golf green allowing golfers to see the subtle lines and breaks in the green without squinting. There are also sports sunglasses with specially tinted lenses for tennis which allow you to better see the tennis ball. You can find sports sunglasses in an excellent variety of designs, styles and colors also available in goggle designs great for skiing or snow boarding. Sports sunglasses are made of impact resistant polycarbonate substrate and the lenses are usually made with an antireflective, UV and glare reduction coating on the back of the lenses for added safety and protection.

    With so many wonderful discount sunglasses to choose from your sure to have at least a few pairs in your collection. When shopping for sunglasses it helps to know in advance what sunglasses frames look best on you. Whether you need there are sunglasses to complement every face shape, lifestyle and preference.

    Valerie Giles owns and operates Eyewear-4U http://www.eyewear-4u.com, an eyewear site featuring fashion eyewear, sports eyewear, prescription eyewear, discount sunglass! es and c ontact lenses as well as accessories.

    The accompanying article is copyrighted. It may be reproduced only if the hyperlinks here are left intact.

    วันอังคารที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

    Discover The MakeUp Artist in You

    As a licensed cosmetologist, I would like to share how to develop the art of truly being a makeup artist on your own face.

    First, please toss out old ideas you may have had, as well as the ?one size fits all? beauty tips you?ve picked up along the way. You don?t want any pre-conceived ideas that may cloud your judgment.

    Get in front of a mirror, with natural light. Cleanse your face, moisturize, etc. to get it ready for makeup. Get all your brushes, makeup gathered and pull your hair back out of the way. Imagine yourself as your own artist, with your face as the canvas upon which you are about to create a look.

    There are 2 very important principals to remember. Light colors bring out, gives the illusion of an area being forward or front. Dark colors set back, creates a look of depth. Now, really study for your face for a few minutes, don?t focus for now on any particular area, look at shape overall.

    It might help to even write down notes about impressions you get. What areas seem to need brought out? What areas seem to need to be set back? An example would be a very round face would need an area in the cheeks set back (darker) to give the illusion of higher cheekbones, more slender face, at the same time using some lighter shades on the forehead area above the temples to also create a look of lengthening the face. A chin that is a bit undercut would need to be brought forth more to give the appearance of being more prominent than it is (lighter color).

    When using lighter & darker colors for shading & highlighting, be sure to blend very well and use a light touch. Choose a foundation that is very close to your natural skin coloring. I personally have recently discovered mineral makeup (you can do an online search for several brands) or you can use any brand you want. I just have found these very easy to use for using light & dark colors where needed. Blend, blend and blend more, you don?t want anything that looks obvious or any! streaki ng appearance. Also if you?re a light blonde, you wouldn?t use something super dark for shading because you wouldn?t be able to blend it in a way to look natural. Use a shade that?s 1 or 2 shades darker than your natural skin tone, same with lighter shades, 1 or 2 shades lighter than your own skin tone.

    Look at your eyes closely now. You want to create balance. Not every eye will look best with the typical medium color on the lid, darkest in the crease and highlighter on the brow. Again, look at your eye shape, what needs brought forth (light), and what needs to recede (dark). A person with deep-set eyes for example will do best with a light to medium shade on their lid, the lightest side in their crease, and a medium shade on their brow bone. The person with the deep-set eyes needs to avoid dark colors altogether, it will only accentuate the problem. Having the lightest color in the crease will help bring forth their eyes, making their eyes look bigger, wider and not set back.

    This is the opposite pattern of what is typically told.

    If a person has eyes that are close set together, you want light colors around the inside areas of the eyes (near the nose) to give the appearance of more space being there, making the eyes look wider apart, and darker colors on the outside edges.

    Play with the different looks until you get the right one for your bone structure. It also helps to stand back away from a mirror, from across a room to look, as you get a better feel of overall balance than right up close. Don?t be afraid to try new combos you hadn?t thought of before, it might be the perfect fit for you!

    By Valerie Garner-Mother, grandmother and candlemaker / owner of Joyful Designs in Soy. She loves to write on a variety of topics with a warm, and engaging style. http://www.joyfuldesignsinsoy.com