วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Why Is Water So Important For Your Health?

I often have conversations with people who say that I must think that water is the cure for everything! It?s not really, but it is often the root of the problem to many disorders and health weaknesses many people do experience. As I have these conversations, what always comes to mind is the story of Moses in the Bible while in the desert. The Israelites were getting bitten by poisonous serpents, so he told them that all they had to do was to look to the top of the pole and they would be healed. But because it seemed too simple and not possible to them, many of the people would not do it and perished.

Many of us are like them. We seem to think that we need some awesome drug or well known cure to get rid of our problems when often it many be one of the simplest, least expensive routes for our solutions.

I have read much information about water from many resources, but some of the best information comes from a book called, Your Body?s Many CRIES for Water by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. Below the title of this book it says, ?You are not sick, you are Thirsty! Don?t treat thirst with medications?

Here are a few of the statements from this book that I would like to mention:

?Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water?. Water, the solvent of the body, regulates all functions, including the activity of the solutes it dissolves and circulates.

?The primary cause of Alzheimer?s disease is chronic dehydration of the body.

?Migraine headaches seem to be brought about by dehydration?dehydration plays a major role in the precipitation of migraine headaches.

?With dehydration, the level of energy generation in the brain is decreased. Many functions of the brain that depend on this type of energy become inefficient. We recognize this inadequacy of function and call it depression. This ?depressive state? caused by dehydration can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome.

?When the body becomes dehydrated, the physiological processes t! hat will establish are the same ones that occur when coping with stress. Dehydration equals stress? dehydration causes stress, and stress will further dehydration.

?High blood pressure (essential hypertension) is the result of an adaptive process to a gross body water deficiency.

?Cholesterol production in the cell membrane is a part of the cell survival system. It is a necessary substance. Its excess denotes dehydration.

?So many innocent children suffer unnecessarily to the point of a few thousand of them dying of asthma. What these children need to realize is the fact that, for them, breathing has become difficult because they are so thirsty.?

Now these are only a few brief statements and not the full information that this book gives, however, it may give you a little insights on the need for more clean water for our bodies. Here?s more information from another source:

?By not drinking enough water, many people incur excess body fat, poor muscle tone and size, decreased digestive efficiency and organ function, increased toxicity in the body, joint and muscle soreness, and water retention.? Water retention? Yes, your body may be retaining water to compensate for the lack of water your body receives.

Recently, I had an associate tell me her story. She has suffered from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) for some time. She said her stomach was always bloated and fizzing. Her doctor told her to start drinking a glass of water every hour, so she did. She was so excited to tell me that her bloatedness and fizziness had disappeared and she was feeling so much better without any IBS symptoms.

It?s all just water, pure clean water ? the perfect cleanser God placed here on earth in abundance for us to use, and many of us fail to drink enough of it. Remember this: foods are our builders, and water ? good pure water ? is our cleanser. And if it?s not water, IT?S NOT WATER! Milk, sodas, juice, or any other drinks are NOT WATER! It is actually easier for our kidneys to ! filtrate 50 gallons of impure tap water, than ONE can of soda! Most juices are too acidic for the body because they are cooked, and most dairy milk is not fit for human consumption. Most drinks on the market are actually toxic and pollute the body. What we really need is WATER!

Here are some good recommendations for daily water intake. Adults need a minimum of 2 or 4 quarts of water per day, but to figure out how much you need more precisely, take your body weight and divide it in half, which is the number of ounces your body needs daily minimally. Example: if you weigh 150 lbs. you need 75 oz. water, which is more than 2 qts. + 1 cup water daily. A good rule of thumb too is to drink a glass of water on the hour. Your kidneys may need to eliminate much more often than you think you have time for at first, but they will soon adjust. If you are trying to loose weight, if you on a regular fitness program, if you are nursing, or if you are sick, you need to increase your water intake 1-2 quarts more than the normal recommendation.

Remember, drinking water is one of the simplest things you can do for your health and fitness. Just understand your body does need lots of water, then drink plenty of it and you will see great results and benefits!

Erleen Tilton: Author, Health Educator, Consultant

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