วันอังคารที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Preseli Venture Helps Companies Take Positive Action on Mental Health

Mental health is a huge issue for companies and it has a direct impact on the bottom line, so Preseli Venture is keen to encourage clients to give their team a ?mental health boost? and give them time, away from the office, to think about coping with this important topic.

Nearly three in 10 employees will have a mental health problem in any year, and more than ?4bn is lost annually to stress-related absences from work, according to the Mental Health Foundation.

Improving physical health may sound surprising but the Mental Health Foundation is running a year-long campaign to raise awareness of the benefits of exercise in treating mild to moderate depression. Also, exercising for half an hour at least twice a week during midlife significantly reduces a person?s risk of dementia in later life.*

Furthermore, researchers from the University of Hull have suggested that drawing ideas from sports psychology, where participants in outdoor activities showed improved mental toughness and also less stress when exposed to demanding tasks, can help people cope with the ever-demanding pressures of working life.

Preseli Venture aims to give companies an unbeatable cocktail for great mental health ? and even better business performance. Combining the recognised benefits of exercise and fresh air with the theory that being in and connecting to nature can itself provide mental health benefits is a sure winner. People find there are real mental health benefits after spending a few days in the spectacular Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, enjoying the glow of achievement and sense of well-being that can only come from sharing fun, refreshing adventure activities.

Sophie set up Preseli Venture in 1988, with her husband, Nick. She is passionate about spending time in a wilderness environment and pushing herself into her 'adventure zone'. Sophie is committed to helping companies develop better internal and external relationships through sharing fantastic experiences in the stunning Pembrokeshir! e Coast National Park

Fighting with Depression

Depression is a medical condition, which cannot be ignored, and it has to be considered seriously. It is caused due to chemical changes and imbalances in the brain. These changes may be caused due to several factors. Many people may not know the actual reason for depression. Depression can be debilitating but now treatment is available to cope up with this condition. It has to be diagnosed properly in the initial stages. These treatments help to stabilize the chemical imbalances in the brain and makes sure that the brain functions normally. In order to fight against depression you need to find out the reason for it and understand how it affects your normal life. Then you can go for the different treatment methods that are available nowadays and select the one, which suits and treats the condition, the best.

There are different approaches for treatment of depression like medications, psychotherapy, talk therapy, meditation, Aromatherapy etc. The common symptom seen in a person suffering from depression are feelings of hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, loss of appetite, weight loss, feelings of sadness, extreme pessimism, lack of sleep, loss of interest in activities, feelings of loneliness and sadness etc. Depression can also cause severe mood disorders. Some women suffer from depression during the post partum period. They will not be able to bond with the newborn baby. They have to be treated with the help of the doctor. They need support and medical attention to overcome this phase. Another type of depression is the bipolar disorder where the patient suffers from extreme mood swings such as intense highs and crippling lows. For them life seems to be a roller coaster ride.

There are several medications available to treat such conditions. Depression can be managed just like any other medical disorder of the body like diabetes, high blood pressure etc. All that you need is the positive attitude and the will power and determination to fight it. Besides medications you can also choose different! holisti c approaches to fight depression. You can join some activities such as a laughter club, where you can divert your mind and get your mind involved in some soothing activities. Sometimes you may have to change your entire life style or move to a different place in order to fight out depression. You cannot expect a change overnight but with course of time, and the right type of treatment you can fight depression and get it out of your life. Symptoms of depression may be aggravated due to teenage problems such as acne, use of drugs, loss of job, loss of loved ones, etc.

In order to fight depression, you need to understand the basic cause or reason, which has triggered such a condition. Once you find out the reason, then find out effective options for solving this problem. You must always keep in mind that will power or the power of mind is very important to fight out depression. Positive thinking can help you to fight out depression without any medical support. You can fight out depression by clearing your mind and empowering it with positive thought or affirmations.

Tanya recommends you to see depression symptoms and medication, ayurvedic treatment of insomnia and vitamins for depression.

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Signs of Depression

Clinical Depression is a psychiatric disorder characterized by the inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death. (look at Sources below)

A Sign(s) of Depression vary depending on the person, type of anxiety/condition, environment, history, and intensity of the problem. The most common depression symptoms are as follows:

* Empty Mood

* Feeling of Guilt or Helplessness

* Loss of Interest in Pleasurable Hobbies

* Fatigue

* Difficulty Concentrating or Making Decisions

* Insomnia

* Irregular Sleeping (hours)

* Thoughts of Death or Suicide

* Physical Symptoms

* Irritability

Although these are the main signs and symptons of depression, they are not the only ones. Take a moment to research the web if you still believe that you are depressed. A lot of depression usually sprouts from childhood, possibly of abuse, witnessing of violence, or even theft at a young age. Even though you may be depressed, know that there are solutions out there.

If most of these signs and symptoms occur for more than two weeks, it is recommended to take action. Consult a doctor or manage solutions like finding a hobbie such as sports or exercising. Although there are sedatives that ca be taken to rid your symptoms, exercising is the natural way to heal yourself.


Sources- Dictionary.com, National Institute of Mental Health

Stay Mentally Focused When Training

When you decide to exercise, try to really stick to your training routine and don't get sidetracked by too much socializing. When you socialize with friends, your mind usually starts to wander off and you really start to lose focus on your main objective, which is to train hard and get out of there. You can always meet up with your friends after your workout and catch up on old times.

A great way to focus and keep your training session upbeat and exciting, is to invest in a mp3 player and load your favorite music on it. Jam out with some cool upbeat techno, hip-hop or some hard rock to get your energy levels up and get you excited during your workout. You will also notice when having your headphones on, you will limit the amount of people who tend to come up and want to chat. If you see friends in the gym, say a quick hello and get to work.

If you notice your friends nagging on you every couple of minutes during your workout, just simply tell them you need to finish your workout and ask them if you can meet up after training for a post workout meal at your favorite local restaurant. You will feel so much better knowing you focused 100% of your energy into your training. You will be energized and ready to recuperate from a great training session.

Kris Bierek is a fitness specialist for the health and fitness site http://www.ShapeFit.com where you can find FREE fitness tools like fitness newsletters, dieting tips, weight loss help, exercise questions and a free fitness analysis to help you get into the best shape of your life!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Is The Conflict Within You Created By Duality Or Yin And Yang

Where there is yang there is yin and where there is yin there is yang. Neither exists without each other. Balance between both sustains harmony or whole and imbalance between both creates to much of either. This is aspect of duality. We are surrounded and internalised by this duality. If we look at our own bodies and start from the top then we know that our brain is split into right and left brain which controls different way of thinking. There is also two eyes two openings in the heart, two lungs, the liver splits in two, there are two kidneys etc. This duality in the body applies to the yin or the solid organs in the body. The yin organs in the body hold and the yang organs excrete, more about this later.

Looking at the outside world we can see the yin and yang in the aspect of day and night, hot and cold, light and dark, sun and moon, left and right, wet and dry, heavy and light, below and above, contraction and expansion, slow and rapid, descending and rising, water and fire, solid and gaseous, growth and death, passive and aggressive, heaven and earth and many other possibilities. The play between all these qualities create result or action and reaction and consequence. The more one aspect dominates the other, the stronger is the reaction in the environment which it influences. For example if there is too much heat and sun like in desert there is no growth. If it is too cold and little sun like in the arctic there is no growth. If there is equal amount of day and night like it is at the equator, there is easy growth.

The further the yin and yang is from each other, the more conflict it can be. This is very true in relation to our relationship with other people. If we take for example right wing and left wing politics. There was a wide gap between these two ideology. It created one of the greatest conflict ever we have seen in this world. It almost brought us on the brink of destruction. But from that conflict there was creation of even greater aspect into our mass consciousn! ess and that was the demand of peace and brotherhood. There has never been so many organisations and individuals fighting for human mankind to bring awareness of non-conflict or tolerance towards difference of being and demand of peace. This is still going on and even today the need is great since we are seeing great conflict between two ideology and cultures again in a different way.

So what does all this politics got to do with health. Well, what is above is below and what is outside is inside. The laws of the universe are everywhere the same. In fact the Chinese philosophy talks about the universe being reflected in our bodies. This is not only in Chinese philosophy but in others philosophies as well. So in our bodies there is conflict between yin and yang and the further the yin and yang splits apart the more serious consequence there is. If there is to much yang there is too much heat if there is too much yin there is too much cold.

Good example of conflict between yin and yang might be manic depression or bipolar syndrome. This mental disease can be described as swinging between the extremes of over joy and depression. This creates great suffering for the person involved. Both ends have the potential to be destructive and the person fights in between against one and the other. In our everyday life we are constantly making decisions between so called right and wrong behaviour or action. This can create stress in our life?s and constant indecision. This is an example of conflict and it can be trivial or very serious. Who doesn?t know the feeling of the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other shoulder, of course metaphorically speaking.

It is always the middle path that is the most generous, but so hard to stay on it. Understanding and trusting that understanding is our key. Intuition is the fluid which brings us back to the balance.

Be Well

I am dedicated to bringing solutions for physical, mental an spiritual health through the internet and by other means. For mo! re infor mation visit my site:


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Does Anyone You Know Have Asthma?

At first reading, there isn't much extremely shocking in this report. But with a little research, in my opinion it becomes alarming.

This information comes from the Asthma Society of Canada: Doctors define asthma as a 'chronic inflammatory disease of the airways' . It is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions affecting Canadians. Asthma can be diagnosed at any age, but often starts in childhood. Its prevalence in Canada has been increasing over the last 20 years and it is estimated that currently over 3 million Canadians have asthma.

The three strongest risk factors for developing asthma are family history, exposure in infancy to high levels of antigens such as house dust mites, and exposure to tobacco smoke and/or chemical irritants.

We're all pretty familiar with allergic triggers of asthmatic symptoms, such as mould, animal dander, pollen, dust mites, etc., but perhaps less familiar with non-allergic triggers such as certain drugs, chemicals, fumes and odours, respiratory viral infections, certain weather conditions, strenuous physical exercise, tobacco smoke, and air pollution.

Urbanization appears to be correlated with an increase in asthma. The nature of the risk is unclear because studies have not taken into account indoor allergens although these have been identified as significant risk factors.

Experts are struggling to understand why prevalence rates world-wide are, on average, rising by 50% every decade.

Alarming? Yes. Why?

First of all, the report was updated in April of 2005, yet most of the footnoted references are from the mid to late 90's. So the report is about Canadians in general; children are still not identified as a unique segment of the population, their needs, habits and susceptibilities are not taken into special consideration, even though the studies all concur that asthma often starts in childhood.

Next, approximately 3 million Canadians have asthma. You have to put that into the context of how many Canadians th! ere are, which in the year 2000 was about 31 million, with an annual growth rate of approximately 1%. So about 9.6% of all Canadians have asthma. Almost one out of 10. If one out of 10 Canadians were in a wheelchair, or wearing a cast, we would take notice. Alarming, since we treat it so casually. It's a chronic disease, which means lifelong constant management and medication.

The world's current (overall as well as natural) growth rate is about 1.3% per year, while prevalence rates of asthma world-wide are, on average, rising by 50% every decade. So asthma is occuring over 3 times more than can be attributed to population growth. These are rough figures, just to give us an idea of what we're looking at.

And this is only about asthma. It isn't about illness from chemical poisoning, or deaths from poisoning, or lung cancer, or...

So it's time to take steps to prevent asthma and other illnesses and diseases. At the very least, search for and buy the least toxic cleansers for household use. Get educated! Then, store all chemicals safely and securely away from children and pets.

Don't allow smoking in your home, and be aware of and avoid air pollution, both inside and out. Air out your home completely three times a day. Did you know that cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 chemical agents, including over 60 carcinogens? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Institute of Environmental Health Science?s National Toxicology Program, and the World Health Organization?s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have all classified secondhand smoke as a known human carcinogen?a category reserved for agents for which there is sufficient scientific evidence that they cause cancer.

The U.S. EPA has estimated that exposure to secondhand smoke causes about 3,000 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers and is responsible for up to 300,000 cases of lower respiratory tract infections in children up to 18 months of age in the United States each year. If you h! ave to s moke, just dig your own grave, don't drag others with you!

So, become aware and clean up your home environment.

Kathryn Beach offers extensive information about tea tree oil on her website, Learn About the Tea Tree Oil Phenomenon! http://www.7affiliatecentral.com and in her Tea Tree Alerts available by sending a blank email to: teatreealert@sendfree.com

What To Do If A Loved One Seems Depressed

Depression can take on many faces depending upon the person, their age, and their gender. Overall, the best thing to be aware of is a significant change in activity or behavior.

Depression In Teens

Depression in teenagers can be difficult to identify, as their mood cycles are traditionally erratic. In general, females tend to suffer from depression more than males, but don?t overlook a young male whose behavior has changed. Again, the things to look out for are marked changes in behavior. If the teen tends to be social and there?s been a significant reduction in their social activities, than that might be an indication that he or she is depressed.

Is the phone ringing a lot less? Have they become more withdrawn from the family? Are they sleeping excessively but still seeming to be tired a lot? It?s also not unusual for them to be especially irritable and cranky. Tearfulness is yet another sign. Grades in school often decline as the teen becomes more distracted and less attentive.

Drug use is also a concern for teens that are depressed?as it is for anyone suffering from this problem?because people often medicate their depression with alcohol and /or drugs to try to feel better.

Depression in Adults

Adults tend to hide their depression a little better than kids. They?ve learned how to put a mask on and act as if everything is fine, even when it is not. Appetite is often a strong indicator. The loss of appetite is most common, however there are those who sooth themselves with food so, in that case, you would expect to see a weight gain. Sexual appetite is another variable that is often identified. Depression puts a damper on sexual desire. Essentially when a person stops doing those activities that they used to enjoy, there?s a good chance that depression can be a factor.

Depression In The Elderly

The elderly suffer from depression a lot more than is reported. The older generation still feels a lot of shame and embarrassment about mental illnesses. The hars! h realit y of the elderly is that their friends are dying on a regular basis. These losses bring up many different feelings, ranging from loneliness and loss to the realization that their time is also limited. Withdrawal is a common sign, as well as weight loss, fatigue and irritability. It is critical to have the elderly evaluated by a competent gerontologist (a doctor who specializes in the older population) to rule out worrisome medical concerns.

Discussing Suicide

When a family member is discovered to be depressed, there is often a reluctance to be direct and straight forward with them. Often people think what if I ask the person if they feel like they want to end their life, and I?ve gotten them thinking about suicide when they hadn?t previously considered it?

That will never happen. If a person is severely depressed, they will most likely have given some thought to ending their life. Vague, passing thoughts about suicide are normal for everyone at one time or another. What you need to be worried about is if a person has actually constructed a plan to end their life. Another phenomenon to watch out for is if someone who had been previously very depressed suddenly seems to be fine?happy even?and starts giving their possessions away. Do not be fooled into thinking that this person has made a spontaneous recovery.

So, if someone takes a sudden turn for the better and starts giving things away, or if someone talks to you about having a specific plan to end their life, you MUST take action. These are definitely cases of it being better to err on the side of caution. Let the person know that you are concerned about them, and ask that they speak with a mental health professional. You might offer to get an appointment for them and then take them to the appointment. If they refuse treatment, it is essential that you contact a mental health professional and seek their advice.

You can search the internet, the phone book, or call information to get the number for your community mental healt! h center . Most community mental health centers have an emergency clinician on call 24 hours a day to assist in such an emergency. Do not leave the person alone until they?ve been evaluated and it has been determined that they?re able to be left without supervision. People often feel concerned about upsetting the person by pushing for evaluation or treatment. The most important thing here is to prevent a suicide.

Even if the person is initially angry, once their depression lifts they will be forever grateful that you intervened on their behalf. Depression is a life threatening illness. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Imagine this?.a person feels so miserable that they decide they can?t take feeling this badly for another minute. But the good news is that the vast majority of people suffering from depression will recover and continue to have normal lives.

Don?t be afraid to talk about depression. Don?t be afraid of tears. There is help available for everyone. Most community mental health centers receive state and federal funds so they have the opportunity to provide treatment and no or low cost. Everyone today can find some kind of treatment if they need it.

Please know that you can share this article with friends, family, associates and anyone you think that it may help, when in doubt, I say pass it along, our goal at Out of Darkness, is to reach the hurting and lost souls and those that feel like there is no help.

They are calling Arthur Buchanan's methods of recovering from mental illness REVOLUTIONARY! (MEDICAL COLLEGE OF MICHIGAN) 'Arthur Buchanan has given us a revolutionary blue print for recovery in these uncertain times, when Mental Illness at a all time high in the United States of America, yet if you follow this young mans methods, we assure you of positive results and I QUOTE 'If these methods are followed precisely, their is no way you can't see positive results with whatever illness you have' Dr. Herbert Palos Detroit, Michigan'

With Much Love,

Arth ur Buchanan


Out of Darkness & Into the Light

43 Oakwood Ave. Suite 1012

Huron Ohio, 44839


567-219-0994 (cell)

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

How to Cure Anxiety and ADD by Exorcism

Many of you are aware that people are made up of a body, a mind, and a spirit. Actually, most people are made up of a body, a mind, and several spirits. Think of the body as a container for your white light God spirit. (Psalm 82:6 ?You are Gods, children of God, All of you.?) God is like gravity. He/She the white light Holy Spirit lives in us all, no matter what our beliefs, and pulls us in a morally correct way, just as gravity holds you down on a rapidly flying and turning ball named Earth no matter what you call it or whether you believe in it or not.

Inside of your body, along with your white light God spirit, live demon spirits. Demon spirits are like your white blood cells. When a germ invades your body your white blood cells automatically form an army and attack and kill the germ. We needed these demon spirits in the jungle for 5 million years to kill off the lions and snakes and wolves and other tribes and to kill and eat animals. The problem arises when there are too many white blood cells and then we have blood cancer, leukemia. When you have too many demon spirits all sorts of physical and emotional diseases occur. Just prior to her death Mother Theresa underwent an exorcism. Psychiatrist and author M. Scott Peck M.D. deals with demons and exorcisms and evil people in his best selling books People of the Lie and Glimpses of the Devil.

Inside of many of our bodies there are also discarnate spirits, people who died, did not go into the light, and then made a home in your body. All of these spirits are the cause of much multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia, people hearing and being commanded by voices. The voices are people living inside of their bodies. Growling vicious lion/snake demons darting rapidly back and forth inside of human bodies are also the cause of much anxiety, and rude and violent behavior, including crime and war. The date today is December 1, 2005, and humans have given control of their mental health to psychiatrists, spirits who do not know or believe! that sp irits exist. They have been trained to medicate schizophrenia, ADD, and anxiety.

They give medication to suicidal patients that they know full well makes the patients even more prone to kill themselves. They call visions delusions, a major psychosis. They would have put Jesus, Prophet Isaiah, Prophet Muhammad and Nostradamus in straight jackets, given them medication, and shocked their brains with electricity. They recently gave up on blood letting. This is during the week. On weekends they can be found in their churches, synagogues, and mosques, hedging their bets, in case there is a heaven.

Tommy was an 11 year old boy with Attention Deficit Disorder. He went to a special school. He had difficulty concentrating and attacked and hurt girls in his class. Tommy?s mother Donna was dating an accountant named Ian. Ian did exorcisms as a hobby. After 1 exorcism from Ian, Tommy went to school the next day. The teachers immediately phoned his mother Donna and said, ?Who is this boy you sent to school? He?s calm, polite, focused, and non violent. What happened to him?? It is now 2 years later. Tommy has now grown into a 6 foot tall 13 year old perfectly normal boy, who loves to play basketball. While running down the basketball court, his opponent Ken fell down, through no fault of Tommy?s. Tommy stopped to help Ken up. The referee said to Tommy, ?What are you doing?? Tommy said, ?He fell, I?m helping him up.? The referee said, ?We don?t do that in basketball.? Here is how you can cure your own child by exorcism, by casting out the evil and lost spirits, and inserting a beautiful calming healing white light spirit, no matter your religion or lack thereof:

First of all evil spirits reside in each and every one of us. They can appear as dark clouds, or snake lion growling darting around vicious alien monsters. Sometimes you cannot see them but you can feel their creepy presence. The good news is that the white light God Angel spirit also lives in every one of us. The other good news is that the ! power of God is infinitely more powerful than the power of Satan, and that is why you all have the power to banish the evil spirits. A battle rages in every person between good and evil, angels and demons, God and Satan. It is all about who inside of you is in control. O.K.

Here we go: First of all sit on a couch. Have your patient sit in front of you on the floor legs outstretched and not touching each other and arms to the side. Place your hands 2 inches above the patient?s head. Next the patient will lie on the floor with a pillow first on their front then on their back. Now you need to put yourself into a trance. Close your eyes, and say to yourself: ?20 means deep inner peace and quiet, my body my mind and soul and nerves are very very relaxed. 19 means deep inner peace and quiet, my body my mind and soul and nerves are very very relaxed.? Count down to zero then say to yourself, ?Free from stress, free from stress.? Now visualize a white light extending all around you for 3 feet, and ask God to protect you from evil spirits backing up into you. You never need to touch the patient. If your hands are 2 inches above them then they will be in the patient?s aura. The patient should close his/her eyes and think constantly, ?I love you God.? Keep your eyes closed throughout.

Now silently think this prayer: ?In the name of the Lord God (Jesus Christ, God the Father, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Elohim, Buddha, Chinese Gods, any name or names or all names of God will be fine) may Michael, the protection of God be at my right hand. Satan, Demons, Lost souls, in the name of the Lord God (insert any name or names of God here) I command you to come out of, leave the body of (name of person) and I command you to leave the Universe, and I cast you off the face of the Earth and the Universe once and for all! You can take your right arm and raise it up and sharply point it at the demons and lightning will come out of your fingers striking and killing the demons. Say to yourself, I command every angel in the Universe! to mass acre kill destroy and cast out every devil and demon inside of (name of patient). Now use your hands to pull the snakes out of the person, it may take awhile, and break the heads off of the demons, and throw them away. Say to yourself, ?Dear God, please fill (name of patient) with your white light, your love, your Holy Spirit. Fill them with light, fill them with light. I love you God (over and over).? Be patient and don?t stop until you ?see? in your mind?s eye the patient fill with bright white light.

Next, repeat the process with the other archangels. Start off next by saying ?May Gabriel the power of God, be at my left hand? Before me you Uriel the light of God... Behind me Raphael the healing of God? Above my head Shekinat El (or any name or names of God) the presence of God?? Say to yourself, ?Satan, Demons, Devils, I renounce you, I rebuke you, you filthy slimy stinking demon devils! I command you all off the face of the Earth and off the Universe once and for all!? The patient can repeat these prayers after you: ?Blessed be the glory of God from his heavenly abode.? ?Into the light let us approach do not shut us out for we have sinned O Glorious God.? Also use the Lord?s Prayer. The patient can say, ?Satan, Demons, I renounce you, I rebuke you, I love you God.?

Inside of an hour, the schizophrenia, mental illness, ADD, and anxiety could be gone forever. Surprisingly, physical ailments that you didn?t even know were there clear instantly too. There are also thousands of trained Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, and Spiritual Healers to help you. People have been doing this successfully from the beginning of time. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don?t forget to have your own demons cast out of you. Remember, Doctors can often be extremely helpful, but they are not Gods. As long as these lying spirits remain in the patient, the root cause of the illness will remain, and the medications will merely mask the symptoms, often for decades.

Karen Fish is a writer currently livi! ng in Lo s Angeles California. http://www.thetempleoflove.com/

Weight Loss: The Vital Role of Your Unconscious Mind

Even inside the womb your unconscious mind is working overtime processing information and giving you your first emotional experiences. To this day, the power of the unconscious mind has barely been tapped and it is understanding this part of ourselves which is key to losing weight permanently.

Your unconscious mind receives, processes and stores every single stimulus that you experience throughout your life. This is extraordinary when you think about it and it's no wonder that the unconscious mind can be put to fantastically good use. However, you have to know how to tap into the power of your unconscious mind in the correct manner.

From what we know about this mysterious part of the brain we can deduce that interpretation of the raw data does not occur in the unconscious mind. It simply takes the information and files it away into little blocks. The way this information is organized controls your everyday response mechanisms to all kinds of stimuli. The more often the same information is received and stored the more indelibly printed it becomes in your unconscious. This is how habits are formed.

This unconscious habit forming is an essential part of being human. It is what allows you to do everyday things automatically like getting dressed, making the breakfast, riding a bike .... and so on. If the unconscious mind was not storing this data you would have to re-learn how to do all these things every day. This could get slightly tedious! However, just like the yin and yang there's always positive and negative. The negative effects of this habit forming include overeating and weight gain.

During your early years and as you were growing up your unconscious mind may have been programmed with bad eating habits. You may have found that polishing off a big cream cake made you feel better when you were upset. Again this is how the bad habits form. When you finally decide to do something about it later in life, you find that your habits are so ingrained it feels almost impossible to re! verse th e problem.

Luckily, there is a very simple mechanism which you can use to re-program yourself. You may think this is completely crazy but the secret is to talk to yourself. More often than not, you will want to ask yourself a question and this in turn prompts your unconscious mind to produce an answer. This answer almost always creates a mental image for you. Some call this a visualization.

This visualization controls how your emotional response manifests itself. This is interpreted by others as a behavioural trait. It forms part of your personality. If you have ever listened to the way an overweight person talks to themselves you'll find that commonly there is some very negative self talk going on. The person will ask themselves questions like : Why am I so big? Why did I get so big? Why does my diet not work?

This negative self questioning of course has the effect of prompting your unconscious mind to give you negative answers. You are big because you eat too much or You feel that the pressure of life is getting you down. We invariably find the unconscious mind will produce negative answers like this if you ask it negative questions. For each of these negative scenarios your unconscious mind would have created a visualization and this reinforces your self doubt.

Here's the interesting part. Your unconscious mind sends these negative visualizations into your waking consciousness. It tells you that this is how you look and this is how you will look. It will try and solidify this visualization and make it real. Oftentimes that's exactly what happens. All the power of your waking mind is directed at reinforcing these negative images. This is why you are overweight.

It is highly likely that your unconscious mind never rests. It is always processing information and always tries to find answers to questions. A great example is when you're trying to remember the name of something and you cannot for the life of you remember what it is. You will almost always find that a few hours l! ater or maybe a couple of days later the name miraculously pops into your head. This is the result of your unconscious mind continuously working away trying to find the answer to the question which you asked it all that time ago. It finally found the answer and sent it instantly into your waking consciousness.

Amazingly, it seems that if your unconscious mind cannot immediately find an answer to your problem it will take a look at the information it already has stored and formulate its own answer for you. This is a very powerful thing. This is why it's so important for you to ask yourself positive questions. Your unconscious mind will formulate a positive answer for you which in turn creates positive visualizations. You can see where I'm going with this.

The positive mental picture manifests itself in your conscious reality and you begin to reverse your bad habits. Simply, all you have to do is identify when you're asking yourself negative questions. Then just think of the reverse. Invert this negativity and turn the question into a positive one. You'll be shocked at the awesome power of this technique.

There is not enough room in this article to go into the intricacies of positive self talk. A great book to read is What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter. Just do a search on Amazon and you'll find it. Read Shad's book and you'll learn how to apply a positive self talk regime in your own goal of losing weight.

Fabio writes for many niches and is an experienced researcher. He has written articles covering a wide range of human experience and enjoys giving his readers real solutions to problems. He is currently sponsoring http://www.1st-natural-weight-loss.com and can be reached on fabio@1st-natural-weight-loss.com

Chronic Pain: Barriers to Effective Pain Management

Chronic pain affects the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a patient's life. Daily non-cancer pain in the elderly has been associated with impaired activities of daily living, change in mood, and decreased involvement in social activities. Chronic pain impairs function, can lead to depression, and can even result in suicidal behavior. Chronic pain due to arthritis affects approximately 20 million Americans. This represents almost 50% of all pain sufferers.

What are the barriers to effective pain management?

Barriers to effective pain management are imposed by the health care system, physicians, and by patients themselves.

Patient Barriers:

-Reluctance to report pain to physicians.

-Reluctance to take pain medication

-Lack of education regarding available pain therapies.

-Compromised cognitive function secondary to certain pain medications.

Physician Barriers :

-Inadequate training and knowledge concerning pain management.

-Improper assessment of pain.

-Concern about scrutiny from regulatory agencies.

-Fear of patient addiction.

-Concern regarding analgesic side effects.

-Concern regarding the development of tolerance to analgesics.

Health Care System Barriers :

-Pain management is given a low priority in the system.

-Treatment availability problems exist in the system.

-Treatment access problems exist in the system.

-Inadequate reimbursement for pain management remains a problem.

-The most appropriate treatment may not be reimbursed or it may be too costly for the patient.

Many arthritis sufferers continue to take anti-inflammatory medications that no longer control their symptoms. Physicians, fearful of regulatory investigation, avoid appropriate treatment while switching patients from on ineffective medication to another. Some patients are forced to consider joint replacements prematurely, due to unrelenting, under-treated pain.

The net result of the! se barri ers is that countless patients are forced to endure life instead of enjoy it. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. If your doctor is unable or unwilling to manage your pain insist on a referral to a pain specialist.

Dr. Messina became a Board Certified Family Practitioner in 1985. He was in solo practice until 1994.He then helped form a group Family Practice in which he served as Vice President.He left group practice in 1997 and became the Medical Director of a Wellness Center. He was responsible for coordinating the efforts of nutritionists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, exercise physiologists, and Chinese medicine practitioners into integrated medical care plans that were individualized to the patient.He became the Medical Director of an independent clinical research facility in 2000. He has been the Principal Investigator in over 50 clinical trials involving osteoarthritis, diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, dry eye, migraine, and diabetes prevention.He has served as consultant to a nutritional company, and has formulated nutritional supplements.

Visit Dr. Messina's website at:


วันศุกร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

AntiDepressants ? Should You Be Taking Them?

Anti-depressants are supposed to be used as a bridge to help you overcome your anxiety disorder.

What some may not be aware of? is it doesn?t actually ?cure? your anxiety disorder, however aids to suppress your emotions so you are better able to conquer your anxious thoughts.

The problem is anti-depressants DO come with side effects.

Here is a list of just some of the side effects you may experience:

?Dry mouth
?Urinary retention
?Blurred vision
?Sedation (can interfere with driving or operating machinery)
?Sleep disruption
?Weight gain
?Abdominal pain
?Inability to achieve an erection
?Inability to achieve an orgasm (men and women)
?Loss of libido
?Increased Anxiety
?Panic Attacks

Then there are some more severe side effects, such as;

?Psychotic episodes
?Suicidal thoughts
?Personality change

Everyone?s side effects will vary from person to person, however I am still yet to meet someone who has NOT experienced some nasty side effects from taking anti-depressants.

The person taking them may not even realize the effect it has had on them? I personally myself experienced some of the more severe side effects and it took me a while to come to the realization that these medications were doing more harm then good. A personal story of my own that I haven?t shared with very many? I will share with you now? (While I was taking the anti-depressants).

It was my sister in-laws birthday, and the depression of feeling like I was an unworthy person just got too much to bare any longer. So I jumped in my car with the idea of driving to the biggest cliff in my city and driving right off it!

Now? nobody even knew I was having these type of thoughts (and most people who intend on going through something like this don?t usually tell anyone). So no-one was alarmed or concerned that I had gone for a ! drive.

I got half way to my destination when a taxi came out of a service station and slammed into the side of my car.

IF it hadn?t of been for that accident, I very well may not be here now writing to you and sharing my stories.

Of course, not everyone who takes anti-depressants will experience side effects as severe as I might have. However?

My advice to you is:-

If you ARE taking anti-depressants, make sure you are talking to someone you trust? TELL them how you are feeling? Ask them to observe your behavior and notify your doctor as soon as possible of any changes.

Know that the one true way you will conquer and cure your disorder is through YOU and adapting new thinking patterns. Everyone has the ability to do this, and its very self rewarding when you do!

Note: Never self diagnose.Make sure you visit your local GP first. All material provided is for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.

Free sign up of our newsletter! Discover more methods on treating Anxiety Symptoms

You can sign up here and begin eliminating your Anxiety Disorder - Click Here --> http://www.anxiety-panic-free.com

Panic Disorder A Real Illness

Does This Sound Like You?

Do you have sudden bursts of fear for no reason?

Do you feel awful when they happen?

I have chest pains or a racing heart.

I have hard time breathing.

I have a choking feeling.

I feel dizzy.

I sweat a lot.

I have stomach problems or feel like I need to throw up.

I shake, tremble, or tingle.

I feel out of control.

I feel unreal.

I am afraid I am dying or going crazy.

If you put a check in the box next to some of these problems, you may have Panic Disorder.

Panic disorder is a real illness that needs to be treated. It is not your fault if you have this illness, and you do not have to suffer.

Read this booklet and learn how to get help. You can feel better and get your life back!

1.What is panic disorder?

Panic disorder is a real illness and can be treated, with medicine or therapy.

If you have panic disorder, you feel suddenly terrified for no reason. These frequent bursts of terror are called panic attacks. During a panic attack, you also have scary physical feelings like a fast heartbeat, trouble breathing, or dizziness.

Panic attacks can happen at any time and any place without warning. They often happen in grocery stores, malls, crowds, or while traveling.

You may live in constant fear of another attack and may stay away from places where you have had an attack. For some people, fear takes over their lives and they are unable to leave their homes.

Panic attacks do not last long, but they are so scary they feel like they go on forever.

2.When does panic disorder start and how long does it last?

It usually starts when people are young adults, around 18 to 24 years old. Sometimes it starts when a person is under a lot of stress, for example after the death of a loved one or after having a baby.

Anyone can have panic disorder, but more women than men have the illness. It sometimes runs in families.

Panic disorder can last for a fe! w months or for many years.

No. You are not alone. In any year, 2.4 million Americans have panic disorder.

3.What can I do to help myself?

Talk to your doctor about your fear and panic attacks. Tell your doctor if the panic attacks keep you from doing everyday things and living your life. You may want to show your doctor this booklet. It can help you explain how you feel. Ask your doctor for a checkup to make sure you do not have some other illness.

Ask your doctor if he or she has helped other people with panic disorder. Special training helps doctors treat people with panic disorder. If your doctor doesn't have special training, ask for the name of a doctor or counselor who does.

Get more information. Call 1-866-615-6464 to have free information mailed to you.

You can feel better.

5. What can a doctor or counselor do to help me?

The doctor may give you medicine. Medicine usually helps people with panic disorder feel better after a few weeks.

Talking to a specially trained doctor or counselor who can teach you ways to cope with your panic attacks, helps many people with panic disorder. This is called therapy. Therapy will help you feel less afraid and anxious.

Here is one person's story:

One day, without any warning or reason, I felt terrified. I was so afraid; I thought I was going to die. My heart was pounding and my head was spinning. I would get these feelings every couple of weeks. I thought I was losing my mind.

The more attacks I had, the more afraid I got. I was always living in fear. I did not know when I might have another attack. I became so afraid that I did not want to leave my house or other safe places.

My friend saw how afraid I was and told me to call my doctor for help. My doctor told me I have panic disorder. My doctor gave me medicine that helps me feel less afraid. I have also been working with a counselor learning ways to cope with my fear. I had to work hard, but after a few months of medicine and therapy, I'm s! tarting to feel like myself again.

Remember - you can get help now:

Talk to your doctor about your fear and panic attacks. Call 1-866-615-6464. It is a free call. You will get free information about panic disorder mailed to you.

With Much Love,

Arthur Buchanan
Out of Darkness & Into the Light
43 Oakwood Ave. Suite 1012
Huron Ohio, 44839
567-219-0994 (cell)

They are calling Arthur Buchanan's methods of recovering from mental illness REVOLUTIONARY! (MEDICAL COLLEGE OF MICHIGAN) 'Arthur Buchanan has given us a revolutionary blue print for recovery in these uncertain times, when Mental Illness at a all time high in the United States of America, yet if you follow this young mans methods, we assure you of positive results and I QUOTE 'If these methods are followed precisely, their is no way you can't see positive results with whatever illness you have' -Dr. Herbert Palos Detroit, Michigan

Listen to Arthur Buchanan on the Mike Litman Show!

Depression Series (Part 2): My Antidepressant Doesn't Work What Can My Psychiatrist Do?

Maria has been increasingly depressed for the past few years. She has tried at least four newer antidepressants but so far, she doesn?t seem to respond. Unable to work, she?s now feeling helpless and hopeless. Likewise, her family is discouraged. Frustrated and baffled by Maria?s lack of progress, the family doctor refers her to a psychiatrist.

What can the psychiatrist do to help Maria?

The psychiatrist has several options in dealing with a treatment-resistant or refractory depression. First, Maria?s psychiatrist can optimize the dose of her antidepressant. Maria has been taking low doses of antidepressants. In spite of her lack of response, the medication dosage has not been increased. To obtain a clinical response, her psychiatrist should increase the dose every two to three weeks. The antidepressant can be adjusted up to the maximum allowable dose if no or only partial response is observed.

Second, her psychiatrist can choose to augment the effect of her antidepressant with another medication such as lithium, triiodothyronine (T3), or buspirone. Among augmenters, lithium and triiodothyronine have the best support from the literature. Despite lithium?s efficacy, some doctors avoid this drug because it requires regular blood monitoring and has unfavorable side effect profile such as acne, tremors, and thyroid and renal dysfunction.

Recently, studies have shown atypical neuroleptics such as olanzapine and risperidone to be good augmenters. In my opinion, further studies are necessary to establish these two drugs as standard augmenter. Indeed, research studies and clinical experience have found augmentation strategy to be effective.

Third, combination strategy is worthwhile to try. Maria?s psychiatrist can add another antidepressant to boost the effect of her current antidepressant. For instance, trazodone can be added to an SSRI (serotonin reuptake inhibitor e.g. citalopram). Literature suggests that combining two drugs with different mechanisms of action and drugs that ! involve several brain chemicals has resulted in clinical improvement. In this scenario, one antidepressant plus another antidepressant is equal to three, or four or even ten, not two.

Fourth, the psychiatrist can switch from one antidepressant to another. Previous studies have shown that when making a switch, a drug should be replaced by a drug from a different class e.g. from SSRI to SNRI (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor e.g. venlafaxine), or from TCA (tricyclic agent e.g. nortriptyline) to SSRI. But recent studies show that switching drugs within the same class (e.g. SSRI to another SSRI) is just as effective.

Fifth, Maria?s psychiatrist can also treat other ongoing symptoms or drug-related problems that further complicate her depression. If she is anxious and agitated, then her psychiatrist should prescribe antianxiety drug (e.g. lorazepam) or if Maria is psychotic then adding an antipsychotic drug should help. Moreover, medication side effects (such as insomnia, dryness of mouth, constipation, etc.) that negatively affect Maria?s compliance to the drug should be addressed promptly.

Lastly, if despite above measures Maria doesn?t respond to antidepressants, then electroconvulsive therapy should be entertained. Of course, this procedure should be done with her consent.

In summary, Maria?s psychiatrist can optimize the dose, augment or combine treatment, switch the medication, treat side effects and ongoing symptoms, or use electroconvulsive therapy for treatment-resistant or refractory depression.

About The Author

Copyright ? 2003. All rights reserved. Dr. Michael G. Rayel ? author (First Aid to Mental Illness?Finalist, Reader?s Preference Choice Award 2002), speaker, workshop leader, and psychiatrist. Dr. Rayel pioneers the CARE Approach as a first aid for mental health. To receive free newsletter, visit www.drrayel.com. His books are available at major online bookstores.


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Depression: More Than Being Down in the Dumps

How common is depression?

So common that it is thought of as the common cold of mental illnesses. However, this is not to understate the severity of depression which is one of the leading indicators of suicide. By some estimates depression costs the country a staggering $43 billion dollars a year in costs resulting from medicine, hospitalization, lost work days and reduced productivity. One in six of us will experience a major depressive episode in our lives and 15 million Americans are suffering from depression at any given time.

What causes depression?

There are a great many possible causes for depression. Frequently, depression is caused by an organic (chemical) or physiological cause. Possible organic causes include food allergies, heavy metals, prescription drugs, illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. Depression can also be caused by preexisting physical conditions such as cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, and nutritional deficiencies.

How do you know if you have depression?

Depression can be broken into at least two categories major depression also called unipolar depression or mild depression, which is also referred to as dysthmia.

Major depression is determined by therapists to be present when a person has five of the following symptoms: Poor appetite accompanied by weight loss, or increased appetite accompanies by weight gain; insomnia or excessive sleep; hyperactivity; loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities or decrease in sexual drive; loss of energy including feelings of fatigue; feelings of worthlessness; reduction in one?s ability to think or concentrate; recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

Some symptoms of mild depression can be similar to those of major depression. Therapists will diagnose a person as having mild depression if at least three of the following symptoms for at least two years: low self-esteem or lack of self-confidence; pessimism; hopelessness or despair; lack of interest in ! ordinary pleasures and activities; withdrawal from social activities; fatigue or lethargy; guilt or ruminating about the past; irritability or excessive anger; lessened productivity; difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

How does western medicine treat depression?

A number of drugs have been developed by western medicine for the purpose of treating depression. These drugs include tricyclic antidepressants (Amoxapine, Amitriptyline, Trazodone and Mirtazapine), polycyclic antidepressants (Imiparamine, Desipramine or Protriptyline), or most commonly prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Fluoxetine, Nefazodone, Sertraline or Parozetine). Other drugs such as Venlafaxine which increases serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain and Bupropion which increases catecholamine reuptake are also used for depression. Most drugs are prescribed to increase chemicals in the brain that are low in people who are depressed.

What are the natural remedies for depression?

Natural medicine practitioners frequently prescribe botanical medicines for depression. The best researched of the botanical medicine for treating depression is St. John?s Wort. The studies done to date have shown that St. John?s Wort is just as effective as anti-depressants for treating mild depression and that patients report greater satisfaction and fewer side effects then with anti-depressants. Ginkgo bilboa has also proven effective for treating depression in both human and animal studies. Exactly how Ginkgo bilboa works to treat depression is not known; however, the most likely reasons are that it impacts serotonin levels and that it is a powerful antioxidant.

Homeopathic medication that is frequently used for depression includes Anacardium, Arsenicum album, Aurum metallicum, Calcarea carbonica, Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, and Sulfur. The exact remedy is chosen by matching a person?s individual symptoms with the remedy.

Counseling is frequently employed in the treatment of! depress ion. Of the counseling techniques available, one of the most useful for treating depression is Cognitive therapy. In this type of counseling the counselor works with the patient to restructure the thought patterns of the individual. Important in treating depression are how the person thinks about such issues as failure, mistakes, and personal deficiencies.

Other natural therapies may treat hormonal imbalances including hypothyroidism, and adrenal functions. Treating these and other hormonal imbalances can clear up depression. More information on these conditions can be found on other pages of this site.

Can you prevent depression?

Self-care is highly important in warding off and preventing reoccurrence of depression. Important factors include diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements.

Lifestyle changes may be in order.

People suffering from depression should decrease, or better yet discontinue, alcohol consumption as alcohol is a depressant drug. They should begin or increase exercise to increase levels of endorphins. And, they may want to discontinue or reduce intake of caffeine.

Diet changes should include an increase in fruits, vegetables, grains and raw nuts and seeds all of which are fiber-rich. Avoid any foods which are triggering allergies.

Some supplements to consider include folic acid and vitamin B12 (800 mg /day each) which are frequently deficient in people with depression; vitamin B6 (50 - 100 mg / day) which is essential for the brain to make serotonin, and omega-3 oils which are important in the composition of nerve cell membranes.

Natural medicine offers many ways to deal with the possible underlying organic and physiological conditions of depression. Consulting a healthcare professional is always recommended as they can assess your condition and create an individualized treatment plan.

David Westbrook writes for such fine websites as http://www.healthcraz.com and http://www.automedicine.com

The Mental Influence Of Music At The Gym

When I?m at the gym, I?m usually in my own world.. a world without the noise and distractions you sometimes come across at the gym. I can't hear the grunts, shouts, the talking and the music they play at the gym. What I hear, is my choice of songs on my MP3 player. Here?s what I?ve been listening to for the past few months.. I?ve categorised them by the feelings/moods/emotions they provoke within me, and what I primarily use them for.

As weird as you may think I am, the music that I listen to plays a big role in my workouts. They help me focus, and channel my thoughts and energy into determination and strength. Now that?s something simply amazing.

Feeling Good - Pre-workout

I ALWAYS listen to this one as I walk from the locker room down to the gym, looking around, mentally preparing myself for what lies ahead.

  • Don Henley - Boys of Summer

Psyching me up (Arouses Anger)

Used during weight training, especially when I know I?m at my last set, or want to push myself to new limits and give 101%. These songs motivate me in a negative way, but helps as long as I can channel my anger into my workout.

  • Clint Mansell - Summer Overture
  • Right Now - Fort Minor
  • Remember the Name - Fort Minor
  • Prodigy - Smack my bitch up
  • OST.Daredevil - The Man Without Fear-Drowning
  • OST.Daredevil - Simple Lies-Endo
  • Ice cube & Paul Oakenfold - Right Here Right Now
  • Linkin Park - One Step Closer
  • Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong
  • Linkin Park - In the End

Psyching me up (in a feel good kinda way)

Used during weight training, these just psyche me up and put me in the mood to lift and be the best I can be. These don?t arouse anger, but motivates in a positive way.

  • Aaliyah - Try Again
  • Britney Spears ? Toxic
  • The Rasmus - First day of my life
  • The Rasmus - In The Shadows
  • The Rasmus ? Guilty
  • Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit
  • Real Mc! coy - An other Night
  • Daddy Yankee Feat. Pitbull - Gasolina
  • Lil Jon, Pitbull - Culo
  • U2 ? Vertigo
  • Velvet Revolver - Dirty Little Thing
  • Velvet Revolver - Big Machine
  • Velvet Revolver - Set Me Free
  • Velvet Revolver - Slither

Don't Give Up Just Yet

Sometimes used during weight training, and also during cardio. These songs put my mind in a state where I feel that I MUST persevere, and not give up. Helps a lot especially during cardio, when you?re tired and think you just cant run anymore.

  • Jay-Z & Linkin Park - Numb/Encore
  • Survivor - Burning Heart
  • Kenny Loggins - Top Gun - Danger Zone
  • Bonnie Tyler- Holding Out For A Hero
  • Survivor - Eye of the Tiger

Feeling Good

These are songs that just put me in a general good mood, and they help me while I?m working on my cardio. They help me visualise possessing a better physique and increased confidence level. These don?t work for me if I were lifting weights.

  • Believe Me - Fort Minor
  • Beyonce - Baby Boy
  • Usher ? Yeah
  • Britney spears - Pepsi World Cup
  • Kevin Lyttle f. Alison Hinds - Turn Me On
  • Sean Paul - We Be Burnin
  • Black Eyed Peas - Pump It
  • Jennifer Lopez - Let's Get Loud


This one works every time to help me unwind after a workout

  • Robbie Williams ? Feel

So, there you go. This is my world when I?m at the gym. So don?t be mad the next time you see someone who is too into his music that he refuses to even smile at you. It?s nothing personal.. its just that you?re not in the same 'realm' as they are in.

Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site http://www.dailymuscle.com which offers the author's personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.

Running for Success

Though it may not seem like it when we?re drenched in sweat and our legs feel like lead, marathon running is as mental as physical. When we?re exhausted, continuing consists of mind over matter. This takes enormous mental power. Once developed, this skill can be transferred from the racetrack to the boardroom.

Training for a marathon is an ideal place to improve the skills needed to achieve success in business: strategy, clear objectives, and a positive attitude. These techniques are also crucial to completing a marathon. Without them, even the most fanatically fit athlete is doomed to fail. Through physical training we can develop and master these skills.

In business, investment and marathon, a well-planned strategy is essential. In each situation, we must commit to our plan, yet be willing to adapt it if it isn?t working. Though strategy can be complex or simple, with our first marathon it?s best to choose the latter. Simplification is a great way to remove self-imposed pressure. This can mean concentrating on maintaining a steady heart rate or pace. We need to do this during both training and our marathon, since sustaining this relaxed-focus helps remove the barrier of performance anxiety.

The strategy of shifting attention to our body?s sensations is called association, and it?s a tactic used by many elite athletes. The self-focused introvert may find this more comfortable than directing attention outside. The outgoing extrovert, however, may be more suited to the disassociation technique. This involves turning our awareness outward. According to a report published in The Journal of Sports Psychology: ? Considerable evidence exists to link disassociation strategies with increased pain tolerance during endurance tasks.? Disassociation may also useful during a dull seminar, or an extended visit from our mother-in-law.

Just as business meetings have objectives, so should your marathon training. Whatever your personal goal, it needs to be specific, measurable, and reasonable. S! imilar t o our professional life, these can be accomplished by choosing to focus on either the process or the outcome. In our business life a process goal would be improving our customer relation skills, while an outcome goal would be making X amount more dollars. For your first marathon, process goals are better. Since meeting them may be as simple as adhering to our training schedule, they guarantee success. As we all know, success produces self-confidence. Developing this gives us courage to challenge ourselves to achieve greater victories. Outcome goals, like beating a rival, are more risky. Since external factors can interfere with them, they are harder to succeed at.

Maintaining a positive attitude is crucial to accomplishment. Without belief in eventual success, we?ll quit at the slightest obstacle. This is true both in career and running. Everyday, marathon training teaches us persistence through discomfort. This is essential. Without challenging ourselves we can never progress to higher success. Besides the things we tell ourselves, a positive attitude also includes motivating inner images.

Many superior athletes use mental imagery, or guided visualization. These include Marion Clignet, 1996 and 2000 silver medallist on the French cycling team, and 6 times Masters winner Jack Nicklaus. Medical experts have also tested this method. A recent article published in the Journal of Sports Science states: ?The power of mental imagery in sport performance has been widely noted. Keep your thinking and mental rehearsing of your upcoming races positive and it may contribute to new personal records.?

The importance of mental imagery is also noted in Olympic runner Jeff Galloway?s Marathon: You Can Do It. In this book, Galloway encourages us to rehearse parts of our marathon every day. He says that this will help us prepare for and find solutions to problems we may encounter and help us ?tough it out.? This strength doesn?t end in out legs and lungs. Finishing a marathon makes us more tenacious, ! helping us bring home ?the gold? in business.

Galina Pembroke is an internationally published writer. She is also the publisher and editor of New View Magazine online. New View gives you unique articles on health, self-help, animal rights, spirituality and more.

Visit us at http://www.nuvunow.ca.

วันพุธที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

The Mental Influence Of Music At The Gym

When I?m at the gym, I?m usually in my own world.. a world without the noise and distractions you sometimes come across at the gym. I can't hear the grunts, shouts, the talking and the music they play at the gym. What I hear, is my choice of songs on my MP3 player. Here?s what I?ve been listening to for the past few months.. I?ve categorised them by the feelings/moods/emotions they provoke within me, and what I primarily use them for.

As weird as you may think I am, the music that I listen to plays a big role in my workouts. They help me focus, and channel my thoughts and energy into determination and strength. Now that?s something simply amazing.

Feeling Good - Pre-workout

I ALWAYS listen to this one as I walk from the locker room down to the gym, looking around, mentally preparing myself for what lies ahead.

  • Don Henley - Boys of Summer

Psyching me up (Arouses Anger)

Used during weight training, especially when I know I?m at my last set, or want to push myself to new limits and give 101%. These songs motivate me in a negative way, but helps as long as I can channel my anger into my workout.

  • Clint Mansell - Summer Overture
  • Right Now - Fort Minor
  • Remember the Name - Fort Minor
  • Prodigy - Smack my bitch up
  • OST.Daredevil - The Man Without Fear-Drowning
  • OST.Daredevil - Simple Lies-Endo
  • Ice cube & Paul Oakenfold - Right Here Right Now
  • Linkin Park - One Step Closer
  • Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong
  • Linkin Park - In the End

Psyching me up (in a feel good kinda way)

Used during weight training, these just psyche me up and put me in the mood to lift and be the best I can be. These don?t arouse anger, but motivates in a positive way.

  • Aaliyah - Try Again
  • Britney Spears ? Toxic
  • The Rasmus - First day of my life
  • The Rasmus - In The Shadows
  • The Rasmus ? Guilty
  • Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit
  • Real Mc! coy - An other Night
  • Daddy Yankee Feat. Pitbull - Gasolina
  • Lil Jon, Pitbull - Culo
  • U2 ? Vertigo
  • Velvet Revolver - Dirty Little Thing
  • Velvet Revolver - Big Machine
  • Velvet Revolver - Set Me Free
  • Velvet Revolver - Slither

Don't Give Up Just Yet

Sometimes used during weight training, and also during cardio. These songs put my mind in a state where I feel that I MUST persevere, and not give up. Helps a lot especially during cardio, when you?re tired and think you just cant run anymore.

  • Jay-Z & Linkin Park - Numb/Encore
  • Survivor - Burning Heart
  • Kenny Loggins - Top Gun - Danger Zone
  • Bonnie Tyler- Holding Out For A Hero
  • Survivor - Eye of the Tiger

Feeling Good

These are songs that just put me in a general good mood, and they help me while I?m working on my cardio. They help me visualise possessing a better physique and increased confidence level. These don?t work for me if I were lifting weights.

  • Believe Me - Fort Minor
  • Beyonce - Baby Boy
  • Usher ? Yeah
  • Britney spears - Pepsi World Cup
  • Kevin Lyttle f. Alison Hinds - Turn Me On
  • Sean Paul - We Be Burnin
  • Black Eyed Peas - Pump It
  • Jennifer Lopez - Let's Get Loud


This one works every time to help me unwind after a workout

  • Robbie Williams ? Feel

So, there you go. This is my world when I?m at the gym. So don?t be mad the next time you see someone who is too into his music that he refuses to even smile at you. It?s nothing personal.. its just that you?re not in the same 'realm' as they are in.

Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site http://www.dailymuscle.com which offers the author's personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.

Antidepressants: Control or Cure?

What?s curious is that most of them will be on these drugs for life. Equally curious is that over seventy percent of people who stop taking them, for any length of time, will relapse into another painful episode of their illness.

Something?s rotten in Denmark. Because if these drugs are as effective as their manufacturers claim, then sufferers should be cured of their illness. Clearly, this isn?t happening.

Why? I mean, if these drugs are so good, why don?t they cure stress, anxiety and depressive illness?

The commonly held belief, both by the medical profession and people who suffer from illnesses such as stress, anxiety and depression, is that anti-depressant drugs are the most effective treatment.

This is in fact, not quite true.

Antidepressant drugs DO help a sufferer. But they can only help them TEMPORARILY. They cannot offer a permanent cure for these illnesses. This is because anti-depressants treat ONE of the SYMPTOMS of stressful illnesses ? reduced levels of happy chemicals called neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters are the chemicals inside our brains that help to regulate our moods. So all anti-depressants do is to give the sufferer a boost by raising levels of neurotransmitters. The real issue here is that once the sufferer ceases the medication, there is a seventy percent chance of relapse.

The reason for relapse is because these drugs simply haven?t addressed the root cause of these illnesses. By boosting levels of our ?happy chemicals? all the drugs are doing is masking the problem. Now, in the short term, giving our mental well-being a boost by increasing the levels of ?happy chemicals? is very helpful in helping us START the process of recovery.

The last sentence is very important. It explains how these drugs should be used. Because when we feel stressed out, burned out, terrified of the future or that life has no point (all common feelings associated with stressful and depressive illnesses), we find it almost impossible to function. Fi! nding ou r own way ?out of the tunnel? is mission impossible.

And that?s where antidepressants can help. In giving us a boost, we can feel more able to cope. We can START to take the first steps towards ending our suffering.

But they will not provide a permanent cure. They only way to cure these painful illnesses is to address the root cause as to why these illnesses arise. The root cause is down to harmful mental habits and processes we have learned and put to use for most of our lives ? since childhood in the majority of instances.

And there lies the crucial difference. Antidepressants can help us in the short-term by CONTROLLING the illness. Learning the mental habits and processes that crush these illnesses so they cannot even begin to arise help us in the long-term by CURING these illnesses.

Something else I think you'll find illuminating about these drugs:

No single drug has proven to be more effective than any other and the latest research conducted at Yale university in the United States has revealed that drugs are ineffective for seventy percent of sufferers. This is because chemical imbalances in the brain are a symptom and not a cause.

You now know why this is so.

What?s also interesting to note is that sales of these drugs in the US alone are worth $12 BILLION annually. Pretty good for something that cannot provide a cure don?t you think? Of course, one of the issues here is having a sufferer paying thousands of hard-earned dollars for a drug which cannot cure them month in, month out, year in, year out.

I don?t think that?s right. Because I firmly believe that people who are suffering from stress, anxiety, panic, depression and similar illnesses, want to get rid of it from their lives forever. Cure means cured, permanently.

I overcame a terrible 5 year period of anxiety-induced depression without taking any antidepressants. By learning to address the harmful mental habits and processes which took me to the lowest point anyone can go, I turned my l! ife arou nd and found happiness again.

What worked for me will work for you and it will provide the one thing you deserve and what antidepressant drugs can never provide: A permanent cure to your suffering.


Chris Green is the author of the new book ?Conquering Stress?, a special program which will show you how to conquer stressful illnesses such as depression, anxiety, panic and worry permanently and without taking powerful drugs. You can learn more about this new book and purchase it at http://www.conqueringstress.com

Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Mental Health Is Important

Mental health is how people think, feel, and act as they face life's situations. It affects how people handle stress, relate to one another, and make decisions. Mental health influences the ways individuals look at themselves, their lives, and others in their lives. Like physical health, mental health is important at every stage of life.

All aspects of our lives are affected by our mental health. Caring for and protecting our children is an obligation and is critical to their daily lives and their independence.

Children and Adolescents Can Have Serious Mental Health Problems Like adults, children and adolescents can have mental health disorders that interfere with the way they think, feel, and act. When untreated, mental health disorders can lead to school failure, family conflicts, drug abuse, violence, and even suicide. Untreated mental health disorders can be very costly to families, communities, and the health care system.

In this fact sheet, Mental Health Problems for children and adolescents refers to the range of all diagnosable emotional, behavioral, and mental disorders. They include depression, attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and anxiety, conduct, and eating disorders. Mental health problems affect one in every five young people at any given time. Serious Emotional Disturbances for children and adolescents refers to the above disorders when they severely disrupt daily functioning in home, school, or community. Serious emotional disturbances affect 1 in every 10 young people at any given time.

Mental Health Disorders Are More Common in Young People than Many Realize.

Studies show that at least one in five children and adolescents have a mental health disorder. At least one in 10, or about 6 million people, have a serious emotional disturbance.

The Causes Are Complicated

Mental health disorders in children and adolescents are caused mostly by biology and environment. Examples of biological causes are genetic! s, chemi cal imbalances in the body, or damage to the central nervous system, such as a head injury. Many environmental factors also put young people at risk for developing mental health disorders. Examples include:

Exposure to environmental toxins, such as high levels of lead; Exposure to violence, such as witnessing or being the victim of physical or sexual abuse, drive-by shootings, muggings, or other disasters; Stress related to chronic poverty, discrimination, or other serious hardships; and The loss of important people through death, divorce, or broken relationships.

Signs of Mental Health Disorders Can Signal a Need for Help

Children and adolescents with mental health issues need to get help as soon as possible. A variety of signs may point to mental health disorders or serious emotional disturbances in children or adolescents. Pay attention if a child or adolescent you know has any of these warning signs:

A child or adolescent is troubled by feeling:

Sad and hopeless for no reason, and these feelings do not go away. Very angry most of the time and crying a lot or overreacting to things.

Worthless or guilty often.

Anxious or worried often.

Unable to get over a loss or death of someone important. Extremely fearful or having unexplained fears.

Constantly concerned about physical problems or physical appearance.

Frightened that his or her mind either is controlled or is out of control.

A child or adolescent experiences big changes, such as:

Showing declining performance in school.

Losing interest in things once enjoyed.

Experiencing unexplained changes in sleeping or eating patterns.

Avoiding friends or family and wanting to be alone all the time.

Daydreaming too much and not completing tasks.

Feeling life is too hard to handle.

Hearing voices that cannot be explained.

Experiencing suicidal thoughts.

A child or adolescent experiences:

Poor concentration and is unable to think straig! ht or ma ke up his or her mind.

An inability to sit still or focus attention. Worry about being harmed, hurting others, or doing something bad.

A need to wash, clean things, or perform certain routines hundreds of times a day, in order to avoid an unsubstantiated danger.

Racing thoughts that are almost too fast to follow. Persistent nightmares.

A child or adolescent behaves in ways that cause problems, such as:

Using alcohol or other drugs.

Eating large amounts of food and then purging, or abusing laxatives, to avoid weight gain.

Dieting and/or exercising obsessively.

Violating the rights of others or constantly breaking the law without regard for other people.

Setting fires.

Doing things that can be life threatening.

Killing animals.

Comprehensive Services through Systems of Care Can Help Some children diagnosed with severe mental health disorders may be eligible for comprehensive and community-based services through systems of care. Systems of care help children with serious emotional disturbances and their families cope with the challenges of difficult mental, emotional, or behavioral problems. To learn more about systems of care, call the National Mental Health Information Center at 1-800-789-2647, and request fact sheets on systems of care and serious emotional disturbances, or visit the Center's web site at


Finding the Right Services Is Critical

To find the right services for their children, families can do the following:

Get accurate information from hotlines, libraries, or other sources.

Seek referrals from professionals.

Ask questions about treatments and services.

Talk to other families in their communities.

Find family network organizations.

It is critical that people who are not satisfied with the mental health care they receive discuss their concerns with providers, ask for information, and seek help from other sources.

Important Mess! ages Abo ut Child and Adolescent Mental Health:

Every child's mental health is important.
Many children have mental health problems.
These problems are real, painful, and can be severe.
Mental health problems can be recognized and treated.
Caring families and communities working together can help.
Information is available; call 1-800-789-2647.

This is one of many fact sheets on children's mental health disorders. All the fact sheets listed below are written in an easy-to-read style. Families, caretakers, and media professionals may find them helpful when looking for information about mental health disorders. For free copies, call 1-800-789-2647, or visit http://www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov

With Much Love,

Arthur Buchanan
Out of Darkness & Into the Light
43 Oakwood Ave. Suite 1012
Huron Ohio, 44839
567-219-0994 (cell)

They are calling Arthur Buchanan's methods of recovering from mental illness REVOLUTIONARY! (MEDICAL COLLEGE OF MICHIGAN) 'Arthur Buchanan has given us a revolutionary blue print for recovery in these uncertain times, when Mental Illness at a all time high in the United States of America, yet if you follow this young mans methods, we assure you of positive results and I QUOTE 'If these methods are followed precisely, their is no way you can't see positive results with whatever illness you have' -Dr. Herbert Palos Detroit, Michigan


วันอังคารที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

What Is Meditation And Which Benefits Does It Have?

Meditation can be defined as the science of paying attention to an object that will help us further unfold the finer aspects of our own self. The art of meditating was brought into our western world in the sixties by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi when he taught The Beatles to meditate trancendentaly. The essential skill of this meditating technique is learning to concentrate, condense and compress your awareness to be totally focused on the very subtle object you are meditating on. As your entire being becomes absorbed in your meditating activity, every stress and strain of daily life will fall from your shoulders. In a few short minutes you will become mentally and physically rested and refreshed.

This is the immediate benefit after you have meditated. Using the meditating method, you don't see the deeper mental changes immediately. But if you execute a little patience and meditate every day, you'll soon see a positive change in your mental health as well as improvement in other areas.

What are the benefits?

  • if you meditate regularly you'll attain a more positive and compassionate attitude
  • people around you will soon see the benefits of your meditating exercise
  • meditating can help you make better decisions
  • meditating can increase your creativity
  • meditating can make it easier to manage the daily challenges
  • meditating can increase your self acceptance
  • meditating can even increase your social acceptance
  • meditating regularly can create order out of the chaos of stress
  • you will obtain increased clairity if you meditate every day

plus much more.

There has to be a reason why thousands of modern people all over the world are meditating every day. If meditating wasn't a powerful shortcut to feeling good, we wouldn't have so many meditating people. Many who start to meditate for the first time are amazed at the mental insights they gain tha! t seemed to have been completely lost to them in all the mental stress they had allowed themselves to build up in their mind.

If you start to meditate you will come into a position where you can remove the restrictions that stress places on your mind and personal growth. You'll gradually expand your mental and spiritual horizons and move towards reaching your full potential as a human being.

When you exercise your daily meditations, this should be done in a quiet, restful and clean place. It is important to create a serene atmosphere with no sense of hurriedness or interruptions.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher. He runs the website 1st-SelfImprovement.net Terje is a Sociologist who enjoys contributing to the personal growth and happiness of others. He tries to accomplish this by writing about self improvement issues from his own experience and knowledge. For example, mental health and self esteem and reaching your full potential in your career

7 Reasons To Start Up With an Exercise Program

Most of us need to follow an exercise program. This is due to the fact that just a minority of Americans exercise in a significant way. Below follows 7 good reasons to start exercising now.

1. Contributes to fat loss.

It is well documented from scientific research all over the world for many years that physical exercise contributes significantly to weight loss. I will not dwell on this issue fore it is so obvious, but just mention the simple fact that weight loss is a function of the net calorie intake.

If you burn more calories than you take in thorough nutrition, you lose weight and vice versa. When you exercise you burn more calories then when you don't. So the buttom line is: All other factors equal, the more you exercise the more weight or fat you'll lose. That's really simple.

2. Preventing Disease

The probability of developing a large number of various diseases has been proven to decrease dramatically thanks to physical exercising. These include;

heart disease




About 4/5?s of deaths caused by heart disease and cancer, are linked to life-style factors like stress and lack of physichal training. We also know that diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. This shows that many of the risk factors and diseases caused by inactivity are working together to damage your health. Don't let these ugly forces do that - start exercising today.

3. Healing or improving disease

We also know that many severe and minor diseases can be dramatically improved or even healed by doing regular exercises. These include most of the diseases I mentioned in the last paragraph. Following a workout plan regularly also decreases HDL cholesterol (bad cholestrol) levels, decreases triglyceride levels (a fat liquid that increases the risk of diabetes) and decreases blood pressure (a cause of heart attack and stroke).

Regular physical training also reduces the risk of prostate cancers for men, breast and ! uterine cancers for women, non-insulin dependent diabetes for both genders and much more. All this is scientifically proven. So, why not start your workout today?

4. Enhance your mental health

We know from many scientific studys that regular exercising leads to an increased release of endorphins in the body. These chemicals help combat depression and make us feel happier. The body releases these endorphins after only 12 minutes into the workout.

Another chemical called serotonin is increased during and after a workout session. Increased levels of serotonin in the central nervous system is associated with feelings of well-being and decreased mental depression. It also helps you feel less tired which can increase your mental alertness. It also helps you sleep better.

5. Enhance your feeling of wellness

When you are in a good shape and fit you'll feel more upbeat, and your overall mood is improved. You have experienced that you can stretch your own limits, you know you are capable to do more than before you started to exercise. This gives you a feeling of wellness that's difficult to describe.

Let's do an experiment: Do an hour of workout today; do whatever you want like walking, bicycling, swimming, jogging, running whatever. Adjust the intensity of the training so that you sweat really good. Then take a shower and sit down. Feel yourself. Now you know what I mean.

6. Increase your persistence

Regular exercising gives you more energy, which can make you more productive at home and at work. Exercise can give you new goals and a sense of purpose - you have something positive to focus on and aim for. This will increase your overall persistence and prevent the likehood of getting off track, whatever your goal is.

7. Enhance your social capabilities

Following a workout plan regularly can boost our self-esteem. It will Help you look better and you will be more confortable with your own company. Exercise helps you to get active and meet new people, w! hich pre vents you from feeling isolated and unsupported. It even increases your interest in sex, and can improve your marriage or your partner relationship.

So, after knowing all this - all the positive things exercise and workout can do for you - do you have any reason to remain inactive? Come on, get active today. You deserve it.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet marketer. He runs the website 11-Weight-Loss.net. Terje enjoys to give advice and help people with workout plans and fitness programs

Vitamin B12 for Mental Acuity

Vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin) has been known as the energizer. A water-soluble vitamin is unique in being the first cobalt-containing substance found to be essential for longevity. Cobalt is an essential mineral and is an integral part of vitamin B-12. It is necessary for the normal functioning and maintenance of red blood cells as well as all other body cells.

Vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid have been helpful in treating anxiety and has a calming effect on insomniacs. Folic Acid protects against cancer and benefits arthritis and anemia.

Vitamin B-12 aids in preventing pallor, fatigue, lack of energy and forgetfulness. Increases capillary blood flow and vision. Good for the blood flow to the heart and aids in the absorption of other vitamins.

Vitamin B-12 will assist is eliminating mental fatigue and confusion, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, angina pectoris, diabetes, hypoglycemia, epilepsy multiple sclerosis, neuritis, neuropsychiatric disorders, vertigo, leg paralysis, bruises, muscular dystrophy, cold sores, shingles, psoriasis, hangovers, leukemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, overweight and obesity, tobacco amblyopia, ulcers, gastritis, asthma, tuberculosis, allergies, worms, degenerative joint disease, rheumatoid arthritis.

Lack of vitamin B-12 has been found to cause a type of brain damage resembling schizophrenia. The brain damage may be detected by the following symptoms: numbness or a feeling of deadness in an extremity, sore mouth, stiffness, shooting pain, hot or cold, needles and pins tingle sensations.

Vitamin B-12 Deficiency symptoms may vary in severe or mild forms of mood disorders, mental slowness and loss of memory to severe psychotic symptoms, nervousness, neuritis, unpleasant body odor and menstrual disturbances. If a deficiency is not detected in early stages, it may result in permanent mental deterioration and/or paralysis.

It is a well known fact that a total Vegetarian Diet (Vegan) is lacking the essential vitamin B-12. Therefore,! a perso n on a Vegan Diet should take one 50 microgram of B-12 once per week. If you consider a Vegan Diet for the purpose of Weight Loss you may reconsider your choices and review the 12 Healthy Herbs for Safe Weight Loss. A Natural Cleanser will also supply you with essential nutrients and aid in Weight Loss on a continuous healthy level.

This simple source of vitamin B-12 may be found in this Herbal Combination: Alfalfa, Chlorophyll, Don Quai, Kelp and Comfrey. This will enhance Mental Acuity and supply the needed nutrients to help prevent deficiencies from the lack of eating meat.

Capsulated Formula

Alfalfa: Contains eight digestive enzymes and eight essential amino acids. Use equal parts in addition with Don Quai, Kelp and Chlorophyll. Rich in Vitamin U for peptic ulcers. Athletes use this Herb for Endurance and Energy.

Chlorophyll: High in Calcium and Iron. Liquid form take one capful once a day.

Don Quai: Gives nourishment to the brain cells. High in Vitamin E and B-12. Acts as a mild laxative as it lubricates the intestines. Helps eliminate dry skin problems by moistening and softening the skin.

Kelp: High in Iodine. Iodine assists the thyroid to help them do their job more efficiently. Especially good for the Pituitary and Adrenal Glands. Contains: Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B 12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin G, Calcium, Chlorine, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium; Selenium, Silicon, Sodium, Sulfur, Zinc, Trace Minerals.

Comfrey: Take in tablet form or in capsules, three pills three times a day. Use in place of the above formula or in addition if already deficient. Use in ten day increments resting seven days in between.

Food Sources

Folic Acid is needed with B-12 and may be found in: Orange Juice, Asparagus, Spinach, Turnip Greens, Avocado, Brussels Sprouts, Lima Beans, Soy Beans, Kidney Beans, White Beans, Root Vegetables, Whole Grains, Wheat Germ, Bulgur Wheat, O! ysters, Salmon, Milk, Brewers Yeast, Organ Meat and Chicken Livers.

Cobalt may be found in high sources: meats, especially kidney and liver, oysters, beet greens, buckwheat, figs, lettuce, cabbage, watercress, clams, milk and spinach.

Vitamin B-12 may be found in: beef, cheese, eggs, fish, clams, milk and milk products. Vitamin B-12 may be stored in the intestines for many years and the reabsorption from the intestines is quite efficient.

A healthy diet of well balanced food choices will supply the needed amounts of Vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid but in most cases we do not consume the healthiest of food products therefore, the above formula will be most beneficial in making Healthy Choices for A Healthy and Happy Life.

Build Your Own Business from Home

I grew up learning about the benefits of Herbs and applying them in everyday use. I've trained in Master Herbalist Classes by reputable Professors. There is much that Herbs can provide in making Healthy Choices for a Healthy and Happy Life.

วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

A Vaccine to Boost Willpower?

This is how applying a vaccine effect will boost your willpower. Meditation has a vaccine like effect on the mind as it has the power to boost willpower. There are two kinds of people in the world, those who meditate and those who do not; if you do not you will never be satisfied with the world, impossible. And among those who meditate, there are two kinds of people; there is the inner and the outer circle. Those in the inner circle are steadfast and constantly trying week after week, month after month, year after year to discipline themselves and expand their minds. Why? Because they now have a deep inner conviction that they are divine beings and they want to be free. You can acquire this discipline through the practice of meditation.

This writing I have not collected from the National Enquirer. These words come from a line of Spiritual Masters whom spoke from a state of cosmic consciousness to teach us divine strategies and gradually, while on earth, to build the great power of discrimination and observation through which the student discovers how to acquire that divinity we all have. In the science of yoga you very quickly realize you are not dealing with ethics, moral codes, constitutional rights, but with cosmic laws or magnetic forces few people are aware of; therefore you become more intelligent and you do not fight anymore with anyone; you now begin to study your own behavior. The cosmic laws of justice are the ?unseen controllers? that are recording everything we do twenty four hours a day. There is no place we can hide to escape our actions; and I tell you, if I was a lawyer or a doctor, I would really sweat it out, but as a teacher it could be even worse if they do not tell the truth. Our health is not only biological but it is controlled by cosmic engineers, cosmic designers or astral forces which police the body cells. We are utterly ignorant of our own body functions. We have cars and computers but we do not have the most remote idea of how they really work.

How do you prot! ect your subconscious mind from your mental environment? There is physical disease, mental disease, emotional disease, spiritual disease, karmic disease, and evil disease. Now let me reveal to you a side which the science of our days, the medical science has not acknowledged, ?evil disease.? I am going to give to you an idea since most diseases are thought induced. What is a thought? A thought is a portion of consciousness, a tube through which positive, neutral, or negative energy is flowing. Therefore the most responsible cause for mental diseases is television and movies. There are evil tendencies within the subconscious mind that are like ticking bombs you do not want to reenergize. Stronger than willpower is the company you are with, mostly the mental company you entertain with your own thoughts and feelings. Did you know that when you watch horror movies like the Exorcist your subconscious mind assimilates what you are watching as real? You can attract negativity to you and rekindle those hideous evil thoughts in your subconscious mind. You are unaware of the fantastic programming that takes place in your body cell structure when triggering tendencies of violence from your subconscious mind. How can any human being enjoy seeing murder and violence? You can say to yourself that it is just a movie and it is not real. And of course it is directed by a great artist, a great man in filmmaking. When is murder an art? Is killing people an art? You do not know that the moment you begin to watch movies like that you become receptive and offer the entry of negative forces to you. All evil has some intelligence for it works itself into the minds of people through false reasoning. Some people told me that when they were watching the movie ?The Exorcist? they burned a holy candle to protect themselves from any danger. This is what you can call false reasoning. You may follow every natural health law but what do you have in your brain that sees and loves horror movies? You can be certain it is not you who is enjoying th! at fear, but the evil energy in you feeding itself. Whatever evil qualities you have, know that you have implanted them within yourself. Mental fear is a door through which evil tendencies enter into you. Everything in the universe is interlocked by the laws of magnetism and as you begin to have evil thoughts, actions, or feelings you automatically begin to magnetize every cell of your body with destructive energy and you draw all the misery into your life. Let us be reminded about karma the ?absolute disciplinarian.? People get raped, get robbed, get beaten up and get drawn into all types of circumstances by the laws of magnetism, attraction and repulsion called karma. A typical man most often follows a careless existence not comprehending its purpose. He cannot understand that his whole existence is a gladiatorial boot camp for spiritually retarded people, who are lacking mental, physical and spiritual development. Most people are totally unprepared for what is coming to them in life. The misbehaving man can get away with breaking human laws and its penalties. But the justice of karma is inescapable. For example, this subject is so vast because we are dealing with karmic disease, imposed upon us from previous incarnations, such as cancer. Staunch vegetarians die of cancer because diet makes no difference. When you have dragged your feet long enough away from spiritual laws, finally, as a karmic accelerator cancer comes to your life so that you can destroy a karmic bill of many incarnations to come in one single lifetime; therefore, even cancer is a blessing in disguise. You can be in top physical shape; you can do everything, run, jog, nutrition, and everything else and die of cancer just the same as retribution from previous incarnations.

The conclusion of various studies support that nearly all diseases are psycho-somatic or thought induced. The time will come when psychiatrists and psychologists will gradually take the place of doctors. These illnesses are psycho-somatic thoughts influenced by the sub! consciou s mind-field memory and by inharmonious flow of (pranic) energy currents in our thirty thousand billion cell batteries as in the Grand Canyon you have the Coral River that begins with all kinds of curves into this river; similarly, you are creating inharmonious flows in your body. As a result, scoliosis of the spine may develop. Most of us have this deformed spine that is why we have millions of people going to chiropractors and osteopaths. We have one leg shorter than the other and trouble with our hips because the currents of energy are not flowing properly in our body, and as they begin to move in a certain way, they begin to disturb at every level the proper equilibrium of your inner structural body. Unless one goes to the root cause of the disease itself we cannot prevent its occurrence. What we need is a mind so attuned with the super-consciousness of the soul that it will transmit its boundless energy into the body cells and not only reprogram our cells but change the very chemical structure of our cells and gradually destroy the blueprints of disease which are locked up as memory banks in the computer of the subconscious mind. When a person transgresses physically, mentally or spiritually and the action of an individual becomes very bad, they generate inharmonious vibrations that attract disease germs; the agency of all evil and a portal is opened for a specific disease. Specific disease enters specific parts of the body because of specific thoughts, which makes prostate problems a very embarrassing problem. The Chinese call it the ?dark door.? They know we have problems there because of the mind. We have opened portals to specific diseases according to the nature of the transgression that enters the body. It is necessary to go to the very source of the disease. People do not do evil only through the influence of their postnatal and prenatal bad habits, but also because they are consciously pushed by the evil entities residing in their brain. When the evil entities is dislodged from the brain by ! higher m editation and the help of a Guru then a soul can become really free. If you do not begin to dislodge those evil entities who feed on watching movies on rape, murders, on crime and violence and so on and as long as you feel drawn to that kind of entertainment, you shall know that your are being manipulated by a force that you have no control of. To be healthy is not an easy thing but it is possible.

One day higher civilizations that are coming will look at us in total dismay. They will not be able to understand how we with such intelligence, we could have lived in such a barbaric way. That is why I should not have to convince anyone of the fact that every human being on this planet except for the saintly men and women has within their subconscious mind a library of active memory banks containing the vibratory latent impulse of self-destructive behavior accumulated from the countless violent existence of previous incarnations. Earths history of the last twenty four hundred years where there was absolute barbaric behavior, known as Kali Yuga where twelve hundred years going down and twelve hundred years going up ended in 1898. If there is one thing we have to remove from our consciousness that creates so many diseases is our love of violence. It is utterly impossible to become spiritual as long as there is any violence in us.

Stubborn mental or physical disease always has a deep root in the subconscious. Illness may be cured by pulling out its hidden roots. The vaccine to cure and kill these hidden roots is healing scientific affirmations otherwise known as ?psycho- immunity.? To develop such thoughts in the subconscious mind that one is automatically repulsed by anything which is violent, vile and foul to the point of dragging you down, one must not resist it but one must not want anything to do with. That is what we call psycho-immunity. Mental cure is superior to all methods of physical cure by using the power of your mind. It is superior to any other method you can use because imagination, w! ill, fai th and reason are states of consciousness that actually act from within. Therefore television conditions ones level of consciousness. If you do not reprogram your mind by daily affirmations, you will remain exactly where you are at for the rest of your life.

All content copyright-You may reprint this article as long as the author and the source is kept intact. For more information about the author and life skills go to http://howtoselladeadhorse.com.