วันศุกร์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

It Starts In Your Mind

?As a man thinks within himself, so he is.? This is one of the great proverbs (23.7a). The is also the title of a great book written over 100 years ago by James Allen and still widely read today. The basic premise is that our character is the sum of all of our thoughts. Our thoughts effect our circumstances, health, our achievements.

Once you decide on a fitness goal ( get in shape, lose weight, run a marathon) you must first get your mind in order. ?The body is the servant of the mind.? Unhealthy thoughts will express themselves through an unhealthy body and vice versa. This is important to understand if you are trying to diet or get fit. You will not have lasting changes unless you regard your body as your temple.

So practice some mental fitness along with your physical fitness routine.

-Get honest about how you feel about yourself and your body- if your thoughts towards it are negative then it will be difficult to take proper care of it.
-Practice daily affirmations
-Keep your stress level in check- we unconsciously neglect our bodies because we are so busy doing other things
-Practise self control.
-Keep your mind renewed and refreshed
-Make up your mind- success at anything takes hard work and effort
-Be responsible- you are 100% responsible for being in the healthiest you can be- no one else is standing in your way
-To thine own self be true- list your triggers, boredom, loneliness, anger- what will push you to overeat, what will resign you to the couch instead of going to the gym
-Focus on the positive-

Cathy Morenzie is a certified personal fitness trainer, aerobics and Pilate?s instructor. She specializes in providing creative fitness solutions for people on the go. She has trained thousands of clients and trainers over the last 15 years. For more FREE tips like these, visit her site at http://www.activeimage.ca or call 416-410-8517 to schedule your complimentary session. Can?t fit personal training sessions into your schedule, no prob! lem- try our on- line personal training and receive the benefits of one-on-one personal training at a fraction of the cost.
