If you've got anxiety, have you ever noticed that sometimes you just don't feel well physically after a stressful time? Well...you are not imagining it, because there definitely IS a correlation between sickness and stress.
Two of the most common illnesses associated with having anxiety are:
1. Sinus Infection and/or upper respiratory infection -
If you are prone to sinus infections, it may shock you to find out that you may be getting these infections stress actually compromises your immune system. Your body's ability to fight off colds and infections is that much more decreased, since your energy has been sapped by feeling stressed out. This means that if people around you are sick, then you probably catch their colds/viruses that much easier. This isn't a good thing, because it taxes your immune system even more, and weakens your defenses...and you will likely continue to get these infections over the years.
The good news...
There is help. If you haven't been able to shake these sinus infections and/or upper respiratory infections, talk to you doc about the consideration of seeing an Otolaryngologist (i.e. ear, nose, and throat doc).
Now, just note that MANY of the docs immediately tell you that you have a deviated septum which is blocking your nasal passage, and that you need surgery. PLEASE don't accept this suggestion, unless you have a second and maybe even a third opinion.
My suggestion: Before you jump to the notion of nose surgery, consider talking to an immunologist. This type of doc can give you all sorts of blood tests, including finding out about your immunoglobin subclasses (such as IGg3) which are directly connected to your body's defenses against viruses. And you may just discover that a regimin of meds (including low doses of antibiotics, zincate, alpha lipoic acid, and flax seed oil) may do the trick.
2. Acid Reflux:
Essentially, acid reflux is a fancy word for upset stomach, for which AlkaSeltzer may just do the trick. (Ladi! es, be c areful when taking AlkaSeltzer during your period, as it has lots of aspirin in it, and can increase bleeding, because of its blood thinning qualities).
But, perhaps your acid reflux is more chronic or severe than just the occasional nausea or burning stomache. In this case you'll want to see your doc for options. He or she may prescribe something along the lines of Prevacid or Nexium which are not like alkaseltzer because they are not antacids. Rather, these types of meds are PPH's (Proton Pump Inhibitors) which decrease the acid in your stomach by shutting down some of the pumps that create the acid.
If you meet the criteria, you may have what is known as GERD (Gastro-esophagul Reflux Disorder), and your acid reflux doesn't seem to be going away, consider seeing a Gastroenterologist and finding out your options (such as possible endoscopy to examine what's going on inside your stomach). This type of doc will tell you what you may or may not eat. Proper diet will help (such as reduced coffees, teas, sodas, oily foods, fried foods, and fatty foods).
And if you also happen to suffer from sinus infections, surprisingly, your sinus infections (if you have them) can easily be effecting your stomach acid too. Did you know that when the sinuses drip, they drip back through your nasal passages (i.e. post-nasal drip), into your stomach, causing queasiness and upset)? Yes, that's true.
Your anxiety may, in fact, be the underlying cause of your illnesses. IF that is true, then you will want to take steps to work very hard on reducing your anxiety-level.
While antacids, PPI's, and other meds may bandaid the problem temporarily, attacking the underlying anxiety is a MUST if you wish to banish your illnesses.
If you are one who does not like taking meds (as most of us don't) you will want to do your best to get at the actual cause of your illness (whether it be acid reflux, migraines, sinus infections, upper respiratory, or any other illness), then there's no ! better p reventative mechanism from having to take meds than eliminating the most probable culprit...anxiety.
Alexandra Mannock, MA, CAGS is an expert author on anxiety issues. She recently released an ebook that has gotten the attention of thousands of people, entitled Anxiety Zapper: The Easiest Guide To Having Complete Power Over Your Anxiety!, and she also offers a free 5-day Conquer Anxiety mini-course at: www.anxietyzapper.com Also, you can email or blog Alex with any questions about anxiety or anxiety related issues, and read her articles at her Anxiety self-help website: www.power-over-anxiety.com