วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Is The Conflict Within You Created By Duality Or Yin And Yang

Where there is yang there is yin and where there is yin there is yang. Neither exists without each other. Balance between both sustains harmony or whole and imbalance between both creates to much of either. This is aspect of duality. We are surrounded and internalised by this duality. If we look at our own bodies and start from the top then we know that our brain is split into right and left brain which controls different way of thinking. There is also two eyes two openings in the heart, two lungs, the liver splits in two, there are two kidneys etc. This duality in the body applies to the yin or the solid organs in the body. The yin organs in the body hold and the yang organs excrete, more about this later.

Looking at the outside world we can see the yin and yang in the aspect of day and night, hot and cold, light and dark, sun and moon, left and right, wet and dry, heavy and light, below and above, contraction and expansion, slow and rapid, descending and rising, water and fire, solid and gaseous, growth and death, passive and aggressive, heaven and earth and many other possibilities. The play between all these qualities create result or action and reaction and consequence. The more one aspect dominates the other, the stronger is the reaction in the environment which it influences. For example if there is too much heat and sun like in desert there is no growth. If it is too cold and little sun like in the arctic there is no growth. If there is equal amount of day and night like it is at the equator, there is easy growth.

The further the yin and yang is from each other, the more conflict it can be. This is very true in relation to our relationship with other people. If we take for example right wing and left wing politics. There was a wide gap between these two ideology. It created one of the greatest conflict ever we have seen in this world. It almost brought us on the brink of destruction. But from that conflict there was creation of even greater aspect into our mass consciousn! ess and that was the demand of peace and brotherhood. There has never been so many organisations and individuals fighting for human mankind to bring awareness of non-conflict or tolerance towards difference of being and demand of peace. This is still going on and even today the need is great since we are seeing great conflict between two ideology and cultures again in a different way.

So what does all this politics got to do with health. Well, what is above is below and what is outside is inside. The laws of the universe are everywhere the same. In fact the Chinese philosophy talks about the universe being reflected in our bodies. This is not only in Chinese philosophy but in others philosophies as well. So in our bodies there is conflict between yin and yang and the further the yin and yang splits apart the more serious consequence there is. If there is to much yang there is too much heat if there is too much yin there is too much cold.

Good example of conflict between yin and yang might be manic depression or bipolar syndrome. This mental disease can be described as swinging between the extremes of over joy and depression. This creates great suffering for the person involved. Both ends have the potential to be destructive and the person fights in between against one and the other. In our everyday life we are constantly making decisions between so called right and wrong behaviour or action. This can create stress in our life?s and constant indecision. This is an example of conflict and it can be trivial or very serious. Who doesn?t know the feeling of the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other shoulder, of course metaphorically speaking.

It is always the middle path that is the most generous, but so hard to stay on it. Understanding and trusting that understanding is our key. Intuition is the fluid which brings us back to the balance.

Be Well

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