Mad Cow disease of BSE is not very funny and we must defeat this problematic disease. The best way of course that cattle ranchers have found to prevent this is to not feed slaughtered cow parts back to the cattle in there feed. Secondly cattle ranchers are always on the look out for early signs of the disease to prevent its spreading. This has worked very well and our beef supply is safe. Some people have decided not to eat beef, yet that most likely is a mistake because human brains need the protein and being a vegetarian is hard enough, but trying to get the protein without eating meat is even tougher. Many beefeaters say this is why all the liberals are so stupid, because they lack the protein in their diets to see beyond their petty and vindictive, bogus and hokum filled, ridiculous and rhetoric riddled research claiming that meat is bad for you.
With new technologies cattle ranchers are developing better tracking systems of our American Beef from cradle to grave similar to other industries which continually monitor where their products end up from the time they are created until the sold on the shelf or used and then disposed of. The American Beef Association now has a good handle on this problem and is keeping our beef supply safe and healthy. As technology progresses and the prices come down we will see cattle with biometric sensors, RFID tags and computer tracking systems. The Beef supply is safe in America and it will only get safer in the future thanks to new technology. Think on this.
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